Chapter 17

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Two Years Later


"Guys do you hear me?" I ask into my ear buds whilst crouching on top a very tall building and everyone replies loud and clear.

"Okay Jamie do you have eyes on them yet?"

"Yea you've got __ give or take two minutes, before you have them in your sights."

"Trace, have you and Zach put the diversion?"

"Yea we did and they just zoomed past us now. They fell for it so you should be seeing them right now."

I look through the scope of my sniper rifle and sure enough I easily locate the only conspicuous looking vehicles on the road__ two trucks and two SUVs, making a beeline for the planned location.

"Okay Trace, you and Zach head for Jamies location while we handle the rest. Well meet up with you guys and the hostages at the first meeting point."

"Sure", Tracy replies.

As they get close to the spot for the ambush I utter the code words "X marks the spot." Frankly, I would have just said Go or something but Blake came up with it and he was quite adamant that we use it.

"X marks the spot," I say and Malibu walks into the path of the vehicles and just stands there with his hands on his waist. As the vehicles reach him they all come to a halt. The SUVs were positioned at the front and rear of the convoy. 


"Its done, all cctv feeds have been disconnected except for on my end," he says as I watch the driver of the SUV come out with his rifle in hand.

Sir we need you to move out of the way, the guard says but Malibu just started stretching.

"So I started this online yoga retreat and my__" he doesn't finish the sentence as he gets interrupted by the driver.

"Sir if you don't move I'll be forced to shoot," the driver who I now see is in full Oregon military gear threatens. "Now were getting somewhere," he says to the driver.

"What?" the driver asked confused but before he could finish the thought Malibu closes the distance between them and punches the driver into the windshield of the SUV.

Blake then comes out and creates a spiky ice fence all around the area where they and the trucks are to avoid civilian witnesses from becoming collateral damage. Julie comes out of hiding and joins Blake and Malibu.

They watch the soldiers carrying their weapons to get into it when Malibu screams we need to do this fast and runs straight for the car. He punches his fists into the side of the Bonnet and begins to lift it up but he stops and retreats when the roof gets ripped apart and something reaches for him.
He looks back to see a huge snake retreating back into the half wrecked car.

"That was close", he whispers.

Something starts hitting the car door with force until it gets flung out. Troy walks out and looks straight at Malibu.

"Hey you're the rude Grey" , Malibu says surprised that one of the Grey's was assigned to guard the hostage trucks.

"And you're the weak smart mouth, " Troy retorts.

The doors to the first truck fling open and soldiers troop out en masse and take their positions all armed with long range rifles.

"Something isn't right," I mumble mostly to myself but I'm quite sure they all heard on account of the ear buds we all had on.

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