Chapter 10

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Tracy walks Into a large office sits down and then takes a very deep breath.

She switches on her computer and places a call to all her siblings. Eight mini screens pop up on hers and she waits as they all start to pick up one after the other.

"Trace what's this about", chase one of her brothers asks after everyone is present.

"Dad needs y'all back home in time for family dinner, tomorrow evening", she says when everyone is present.

"Hey trace is that anyway to start conversation with your elder siblings? " , chase says with a huge smirk.

"This ain't a social call chase", she adds.

"Do I also need to be there ? "  Justin their youngest asks.
"I do have a gala I'm supposed to attend tomorrow though", he adds.

"Silence", Macko the eldest says in a uniquely calm but commanding tone and they all obey without hesitation.

"What is the  nature of this impromptu meeting?", Macko asks.

"Well it seems the crystal has been unlocked."

"What???"  About three people exclaim in unison.

The expression on their faces show ä mixture of surprise and disbelief.
"We'll all be there", Macko says and ends the video conference. 


Inside a very large dining room, Nabal is sitted with all nine of his children.

Everyone is silent, waiting for him to speak as they all eat.

"As youve all heard from Tracy the crystal has been unsealed and its power is back. Ill need some time to work on it to see if it's possible to completely harness its power. Hence Ill be taking a break from the company until this is complete. "

Nabal pauses for a bit as if in thought but dismisses it and continues.

"Macko and Celeste you both know the company and you know me, youll both be in charge here in my stead. Youre both going to be acting Co-CEO until then. "

"Im moving to Los Angeles, Justin thats where you stay right?"

"Yes Father", he replies.

"Well be conducting the experiments out of the secret labs there. Would you please recommend a place for me to stay to Kate?"

"OK father", Justin replies.

"Collin, Chase and Gabriella you're in charge of branches still in America. You're in charge of human resources.
Well need test subjects and youre tasked with getting them. People that wont be missed or looked for.  When you get them, youre to send them to Los Angeles."

"Troy and Gabriel you're also in charge of branches here tasked with tech. production. Youre to bring in qualified help and increase the production rate of all the tech that is related to Gou and all the special energy weapons."

"Justin you'll cover PR and media for the whole company. Make sure none of our affairs get to the press."

"Tracy youre coming with me. Youre my research assistant for the experiments. Are they any questions?"

"Well we do have time right , so why the rush? You seem like youre rushing in preparation for something", Collin says.

"When the cloaking was destroyed  I saw into the dome and they was a war going on. I felt very intense and highly concentrated gou from the people there. I also felt the aura of more than one demonic entity. "

"The main problem is the fact that none of them were more than 20 years of age. "

"Which means either they've undergone very intensive training or they've found other ways of getting stronger. "

"If any of you came across them at the moment it would be a near death experience for most of you. I need all of you to be extraordinarily strong for what I plan on accomplishing."

"For their numbers we would need a lot of soldiers. If everything works out I should be able to infuse you all with more than one Gou, in their highest form or close to that."

"Well that's all.  We start tomorrow."


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