Chapter 9

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Deep in the forest,

"Unit 3 clear! Unit 1 clear! Unit 2 clear! Unit 4 clear! All units move to the next site."

Unit 2

"We've been at this every day for almost a week now and there seems to be nothing here", Anna one of Scott's troop member says.

"Well we do need to finish considering that Oregon Inc. paid a lot of money for this. Besides we have only about six more sections to go", Malibu says.

"You guys should stop talking and concentrate on the present mission", Sarah the unit leader says.

Unit 1

"So Tracy Grey what is so important in this woods that one of the daughters of the CEO of a multi billion dollar company like Oregon Inc. has to come and oversee it herself ?", Scott asks with a huge grin plastered on his face.

" If it was something I could tell you I wouldn't be down here myself", she says with a smirk.

"OK whats going on?", Zane asks. You both know each other and I can feel the lust from here. "Scott you haven't smiled like that since the Ukraine incident."

"Whats the Ukraine incident ?", Tracy asks.

"We never talk about the Ukraine incident", Scott says almost immediately. "Anyway we met at a research facility in Iowa about 4 years ago. I was hired as security to move a very important object. By the way what was the object I protected all those years ago?", He asks.

"Well, its also classified, but I guess I could tell you the least important bits. It was a very special crystal capable of destroying the limitations of science as we know it."

"I almost forgot that you're a first class nerd", Scott retorts.
"And you're still the brutish class bully", she replies.

"Hey you guys get a room", Zane says.

"Scott! " someone calls over the radio.
"Yes Blake whats up?" 
"It seems unit 3 found something." "Whats their location?", He asks.
"A few minutes east of your location."

"All Units move to unit 3's location now! Over!"

Unit 3

"Since we entered this region I've been picking up weird signals on my detectors. The nature of this place is not normal. It says the temperature is rising but we aren't feeling the heat. In fact it seems to be getting colder.  Air pressure here is also quite unique and the earth on the floor seems to be a material or mineral that either doesn't exist or hasn't been found yet", Jamie finalizes.

"And then the most interesting part, everyone step back. Laxis throw the grenades." Laxis throws the grenades towards a part of the forest and there's a huge explosion.

Behind the explosion the forest landscape changes for a split second, fuzzies up and then changes back to forest.

"What was that? " Jace asks in awe.
Everybody is shocked at the discovery. "So its a deliberate illusion? ", Scott says.
"Yes, but more than that its also a very powerful force field."

"Trace is this it? " Scott asks. "Yes I believe so", she replies.

"What are we looking at right now, trace? "
"I believe its the last surviving land of a race known as the Karis."

"I need to call my dad. Your work here is done. The money will be wired into your account within the hour.  Excuse me?" She says as she brings out a communication device.


"Sir, Ms. Gray is on the line for you? " Kate says.
Put her through", Nabal says.

"Dad its Tracy, my hunch was right, I believe we've found the dome."

"Activate tracker, I'm on my way", he says and hangs up.
"Kate get me Tracy's exact location now."
"Here it is sir."

Nabal looks at the screen and teleports.

In the Forest,

"So I guess our mission is over right, Scott says. Would you like to have dinner with me tonight before you go back? "

"I'd love that", she replies with a smile.
As soon as she replies, Nabal appears in front of them and before they could understand what was happening.

He snaps his fingers and they all fall to the ground with the exception of Tracy.

"Wait, Dad how come?" Tracy asks confused. "I’ll explain later. Show me the Dome", he says.
Tracy leads him to the force field.
"Step back Daughter", he says and she obeys.

Nabal touches the force field and his hands begin to glow. The cloak comes undone and he sees a battlefield that is upside down. He starts to tear open the force field, but he is immediately shot back by a man in a hood. Before he could regain his balance the Dome disappears living only a very large ocean in its place.

"Not again! Not Again! Not again!" He shouts causing thunder to rumble in the sky. And almost immediately it begins to rain.

"Tracy the algorithm you designed found the dome. How long will it take to find it again? "

"Well three to four years I think."
"Call your siblings and tell them to come home. We will all be working ceaselessly for the next few months."

"What about them? " Tracy asks.

He turns towards all the soldiers that were paralyzed on the floor, "sleep" he says and all the people still conscious go unconscious.

"We're bringing all of them with us."

"Why? Their work is already done. We just need to pay them", Tracy says.

"They've seen too much. I won't kill them but we have another use for them. "

"Let's go", he says.
She holds his hands and they all disappear into thin air, soldiers included.

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