Chapter 7

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M.K - PS ~ Artera has the Gou of enhanced speed (speedster )...  Ciao...🙆🙆


Where am I? Why am I in a sea of darkness? Am I dead?

Rugio! Rugio wake up. That voice, I know that voice. Artera is that you?

Yeah it is, she answers. Open your eyes. I'm glad you're alive, she says.

I can't feel anything and I can't move. Why can't I move? I ask a bit in panic.

You're badly hurt.

How badly? I ask.

You lost a limb Rugio. You lost your right arm. I stopped the bleeding with the Koen plant, that's why your whole body is numb and you can't move but It should wear off soon.

I saw the explosion all the way from Vamar, how are you still alive? She asks.

I don't re....   Aaaaah, my head started to hurt and then flashes of memory hit me. I close my eyes and piece everything together.

I remember now, I say to her. I couldn't move until the attacks was right in front of me, so I used alliance shield, but it wasn't completely formed when the attack hit. We need to stop nabal, he did this. All of it.

I see the shock and confusion in her eyes and then as soon as she understands, it all turns to pain.

Let's tell the elders, Artera suggests.

No, if the elders go after him, they'd all be killed. There's only one other way to stop him but I'll need your help, I say.

She nods, what do you need? she asks.

I chipped the crystal when I was fighting him. I need you to find the pieces. Its somewhere around there, I say as I point towards the east.

Artera zooms off towards the east in search of the pieces.

Less than a minute later, she returns to me with four chipped pieces of the crystal.

I sit up and take them with left arm. Alliance scan; they possess the gou of crystal, age control, metal and mud....

Artera shift back, I'm about to begin. I say to her and she runs some meters away from me.

Gou alliance; Creation, I say~ the crystals start giving out a bright green glow, then the crystal stones multiply from four to six. ~ Gou alliance; Complete collection ~ immediately I say it, there's a huge gust of wind like a Whirlwind all around me. I feel my body become heavy as if life is being drained out of me, and then I start aging rapidly.  It seems using high level gou alliance with my own life force as a tether all at a stretch still possess very dire consequences, I think to myself.

Rugio what's happening? You'll die if you continue, Artera shouts but she can't come close enough to stop me.

This is the only way; I say to her. Gou alliance; gou transfer. The gust of wind intensifies, pushing Artera further away.

Gou alliance; Indefinite alliance; land relocation. The wind stops and there's a bright light. It subsides and my body starts cracking all over and I scream in pain.

Artera runs to me, but I'm already all kinds of exhausted.

This is the last step I say to her, so listen carefully. I look at her and she's already in tears.

They are six pieces of the crystal stones. You're to put them in the gou lake. Put these three in Rukasi, these two in Vamar and the last one in Bugou. I imbued them with the only three gou that I still had; gou enhancement, gou transference and gou negation.

The moment you position all of them the cloak shield will be repaired, the dome will be forcefully moved to another location and the crystal will be sealed. The dome's location will change every 25 years.

These crystals should never be brought together, until a time when Nabal finds the dome or after a 150 years when it becomes possible to move back to the dome if possible. If they are brought in close proximity to each other the original crystal will be unlocked.

You can also use gou alliance, so I want you to create instruments that'll make it possible for average people to use the gou in the crystal without side effects. Hide them in the underground crypt and leave a note of all my instructions.

What about Nabal? She asks.

Well his physical attributes should be higher than mine so he can use it with ease, I say to her.

Rugio please stay alive until I return, Artera says.

Artera you've been a very good friend. This is the rosewood sword. It now belongs to you so please keep it safe.
Gou Alliance; Mother Seal, I say creating the connection for the sealing of gou in the main crystal.

The crystals vibrate and then separate into 3:2:1. In that moment I see death stare me in the face as my body starts breaking into particles. Now go Artera, I say. And with that Artera runs off....

After depositing all six crystal stones in the respective gou lakes. The dome's cloak starts rebuilding and everywhere starts rumbling as if it were an earthquake and in an instant everything stops and all that could be heard for miles is complete and utter silence........


Nabal after having destroyed the third human village in the area was headed for the fourth and last one, when he heard a loud rumbling from the direction of the dome.

He turns and starts heading towards the dome. He looks ahead hoping to get a clue of what's happening, just then he sees the cloak shield covering up the dome. 

He increases his speed and just as he gets close to the shield it completely covers up, the crystal deactivates and he drops and falls into the forest.

What just happened? 

All the powers from the crystal are gone. Rugio that insolent ass.... He must still be alive and up to one of his tricks I assume, he mutters to himself. I need to get back to the dome, he says and runs off.

Nabal gets to where the dome is supposed to be but all he sees is a very huge lake.

It then hit him like a forgotten memory;

That!!!! Aaaaaaaaaaaaaagh!!!!!!

Rugio must have found a way to link the power of the crystal to the dome or something inside the dome. Even without all his gou he still manages to be a thorn in my flesh.

I'm going to find the dome whatever it takes and I'll make sure the Karis pay for exiling me......

Just you wait Rugio, you'll all pay, I promise....... 


The hot author😊😁: Hello guys,  it's me again the next part of this book is going to begin from the next chapter. So sit back read, enjoy, comment,  vote,  have fun, get a drink or popcorn or whatever y'all do when you want to read a book...  Buenos...

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