Chapter 2

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There's a very bright light as Nabal wakes up, he squints and looks up to see the sun. He sits upright to check out where the dome landed and then he remembers Rugio. He starts searching for him and as he enters Rukasi he notices that some people are already awake.

Has anyone seen Rugio?, he asks the people he saw. Yeah he should be on the dead site, a brown haired woman answers him and He runs off to the dead site in Rukasi.
As he gets there, he sees Rugio trying to do something and failing miserably.

Hey what are you doing? Nabal asked, as Rugio turns to face him, only for him to see a very frustrated Rugio.

I've been trying to manifest the gate but it won't work, I need to get back to Zara.. .

This world seems different from ours in terms of gou energy, I don't think you can manifest the gate of world's In this world. You do know that the gate has a constant location and you can only manifest it because of your gou. This world has its own dominant powers and our gou levels were reduced a bit too so it's impossible for the gate to exist in this version of this world, Nabal finished.

Wait!! Rugio said, "this version" he emphasised.

"That purple world is another version of this world so we just need to find the gate in that world, that's the only way" he finished.

Rugio closes his eyes, bends down and touches the ground. As he opens it his eyes are glazed over with purple colouring, he stands up and creates a portal.

Just as the portal opens completely, a demon jumps out and three others follow.

Nabal generates an energy blast in his sword and vaporizes the four of them and Rugio closes the portal.

That place is crawling with demons, we'd be killed if we entered there anytime soon.
Rugio, Zara is very powerful. They'd have to keep fighting until we're able to go back.

I guess you're right.

So what do we do now Rugio?

I guess we take care of the village and its citizen.

Some demons and monsters are still in the dome though.

They would be hiding now because the sun is still out.

We need to use this time to treat the injured and make sure the villagers are safe before it gets dark.

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