Chapter 16

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"We are safe for now," Tracy says as the truck comes to a halt.

“We need to discuss what's next, she adds.

We'd been on the road for close to 18 hours now. The truck had a few supplies so we didn't make any long stops. We changed our clothes, we ate and rotated drivers since our escape.

“You said you already prepared a place for us, right?”  I asked.

“Yea, it's secure, big, has secret rooms, an underground lair, computers, and the few weapons I could get my hands on as per Scott's request. All transactions pertaining to it were made in cash and all contractors involved were foreigners as well”.

“What's with your family and underground bunkers?” Malibu snickers but Tracy just shrugs.

“What about the kids?” Julie asks.

”Yea the kids, what do we do about them?”

”Well we could find foster families abroad and give them to them,” Malibu suggests

“But what about their identities”.

“We can create ID's for them,” Jamie says. ”In fact at the moment I don't think there's still much left that I cant do with a computer.”

“What do we do about this unit?” I ask and all murmur and chatter quiet down and we're left with complete and utter calm.

“Scott told me that his last call as squad leader would be to dissolve this unit, so I hereby dissolve this unit in line with my brothers last command. Does anyone have any opinions on what's next?

“I believe you meant to say what do we call the new unit that we're creating that you're gonna lead,” Malibu says.

I look around at everyone to see that they're all in agreement with what he said.

“That's absurd, my elder brother who by the way was better than me in all aspects lead a unit that ended up having thirty-three members and only six are alive. And you want me, a much much more inferior version of him to lead the rest to their deaths.

“Now Zane I'll kick your ass if you repeat those words again. Don't ever try to diminish yourself in comparison to him because the both of you are very different people with different strengths and weaknesses. We are all family and we know you have more of a knack for leadership than Scott did. He knew it too that's why he made you his assistant and I believe his last words to you were to take care of our family, right?” Malibu finishes his scolding and pauses to catch his breath.

”Besides no-one here is stupid enough not to know that you plan on going for revenge all on your own. That shit will get you killed, you asshole. We are all family and we'll take down the Grey’s together, no offence Trace,” Zach adds.

“None taken”.

“Okay,” I sigh feigning defeat as I dig into my pocket for his dog tags and wear them immediately.

“It's unanimous, so what do we call the new unit?”

“I believe my expertise is required. How about Black Phoenix? Blake suggests.

”The Black Phoenix, that's actually very good.  I like it. You do have a gift for naming things Blake.”

“Then it's settled. We are now the Black Phoenix secret unit.”

“And our goal from this moment on is to take down Mr. Grey and Oregon Inc.s illegal network, to save every and all hostages still locked up or any potential experiment subjects and all of our people still alive,” everyone nods in agreement as I finish speaking.

“But for the next six months we are on surveillance duty, hence we stay hidden. Stealth is key. We train, get jobs to make money, acquaint ourselves with the underground and observe The Grey’s movements,” I finish and Malibu starts truck.

“We'll be there in less Than 30 minutes,” Tracy says.

“Our new home, right?” Blake says to no-one in particular.

I'm lost in my thoughts surrounded by those words that hold a different meaning to everyone present in the bus and then flashes of Scott come flooding in like waves--- all at once and then none at all, and all that was left were those three words and so I mutter it back to him in hope that something happens but nothing does. So I let my mind keep spiraling with just those words "Our New Home".

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