Chapter 12

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The door opens and before I can completely turn around someone jumps me with a hug. I look down to see Tracy, eyes closed hugging me very tightly.

"I wasn't sure if you were okay. I missed you", she said as tears streamed down her beautiful face.

We stay in that position for a while, then she breaks the silence.

"I wasn't sure if you were going to be okay. I'm sorry į dragged you all into this. I swear I didn't know my dad would do something like this."

"Where are the rest of my team?".

"They are at a different location and I don't know where either", she answers.

"Tracy please explain everything cause I'm confused and I'm this close to losing my shit".

"Okay, You remember the item you guarded in Iowa right? "

Yea, What about it?

"The item was a crystal that contained super human capabilities ."

"Wait, do you mean superpowers?"

Yea, she replies.

"But it was sealed a long time ago and it has been released and is in my father's hands."

"So you mean your dad has super powers?" I say with a smirk on my face.

"I'll show your unbelieving ass some proof later but for now just listen", she says looking a little flustered.

"Okay then" I say.

"The crystal was unlocked the same day your team entered the forest for Oregon's mission. My dad is currently trying to find a way to enable humans use it."

"I thought you said he had superpowers. If humans can't use the powers of the crystal,  how then does your father have powers", I ask.

"My dad isn't human", Tracy says.
"Me and my siblings are half humans", she's adds.

"Tracy you're beginning to sound like a nutjob".

Scott listen! She says half screaming.

"She doesn't seem to be kidding"

"Our mom's are human but My dad belongs to a race known as the Karis. They mostly possess powers. The powers in the crystal are quite a lot and he plans on using it to create an army of super powered humans" , she says a little calmer pulling me out of my thoughts.

"Infusion of powers into humans is normally not possible. Just like we have the breath of life the Karis have Gou. 
It's like their own breath of life and humans do not possess it,  hence if you give a human an ability it wouldn't work and tends to cause some adverse effects."

"So that's what's going on."

"It seems you and your team are going to be his test subjects."

"But what's the reason for this?
I believe he plans to dominate the human realm under his rule."

"What of the rest of the Karis. Aren't they aware off what's going on here."

"I don't think so but he said something about his best friend exiling him to the human realm."

"So where are the rest of the Karis, if I may ask?"

"We don't know. That was the true motive behind the mission your team was assigned."

"If that's true then didn't we find it?"

"You did but it usually changes location after a particular period of time and it already did."

"Your team were taken because my dad doesn't trust easily. He's using your team to start the experiment on infusing humans with Gou."

"OK, so how do we get out?"

"Sorry even I can't get you out of here.
There about 85 guards here and my ability isn't meant for straight up combat. We wouldn't even make it to the elevator.
There's only one way but that depends on a lot of factors and it's quite risky."

"Tell me what it is."

"Wait till the experiments are successful."


"Listen first Scott. If your team had powers you could take care of all the guards with ease."
"What if the experiments fail?"

"It's better than nothing.  I've thought about it a lot and Its the best I could come up with."

"Some of your teammates could die along the line and the experiments are going to take time. I'm sorry but this is the only way I could come up with."

"OK then, thanks."

"I should be the one apologising", she says sadness written all over her face.

"Thanks for not being completely in league with your dad."

"Wait you said your ability isn't meant for straight up combat? "

"What ability do you possess anyways?" I ask.

"I can control the age or the time of things" she says with a small smile on her face.

"Wait, you mean you can make someone older or younger."

"Yes kinda, but I don't use it on humans it's quite dangerous and draining. I'd love to show you a demonstration but I've gotta to go right now."

"I promise, when the time comes I'll help you and your team escape this hell hole."

And with that she leaves the room.

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