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My rage skyrockets in that instant and I start to feel everything fall away from me. I feel a surge like never before. It isn't the same as the gou energy that makes me super fast, but all at the same time it's also not completely different. It's as if I'm tapping into something that is and isn't at the same time and I have no control over any part of it.

I try to concentrate but a punch comes flying my way and I'm reminded that I'm in the middle of an evaluation battle against Artegnan, my closest friend.

I dodge the Gou infused super punches he throws my way and creates some distance between us so I can collect myself as I'm still feeling out of the sorts.

He covers the distance between us in one bound and before I can collect myself he lands three punches in succession. The first two hit my arms and I feel absolutely nothing but the third hits me square on the chest sending me flying across the arena.

The pain I felt from the punches further dulled my senses and the intense need to win hit me like a thunderstorm and I go offensive immediately.

I feel the surge build up in my arms and feet and as I direct myself to run towards Arte with my super speed, I'm instantly shot towards him.

He was caught off guard and as he tries to react I throw a punch which he manages to reduce the effect of by blocking with his left hand.

He recovers almost immediately as he tries to counter with a right hook directed straight to connect with my jaw. I see the movement a bit slower as he's still unbalanced but he is immediately shot aways back.

It seems my speed allowed me to move before Arte felt the impact from my punch, making it seem like a delayed attack.

"Aaaah!" I hear him scream and I look back up to see him supporting his left hand with his right. The pain he felt was written all over his face.

As if undeterred by the pain I could clearly see that he was feeling, on impulse I advance forward and attempt to land a kick to his upper body which thankfully his sharp reflexes react to causing him to exert the already injured left hand to try and reduce the impact again.

I immediately land a counter; two consecutive punches, one to his right rib and the other to the gut flinging him across the room like a piece of paper.

I see Lus already inside the arena from my left field of vision and almost simultaneously I feel the surge that was building up calm in an instant.

Arte must've passed out immediately after the last hit because when I assumed full control of myself he was passed out and Lus was treating him.

I rush towards them but this time with the intent to find out if my friend was okay. I only manage to take a few strides before I'm intercepted.

Plants tie down my legs and hands, courtesy of Mishiki, about 15 of Lorenzo's clones led by Roku who already had lightening sparks all around him all stand in front of me all ready to attack me at any moment.

"That's enough Kai, stand down," Roku says in a tone far too commanding for a sixteen year old.

The realization of what just happened comes rushing in and I know and I regret and I despair and I'm drained and so I pass out.

In my slumber I dream and I dream and I dream not of some fantasy, not for the horror I put my best friend through, nor of the pain he is passing through but of a time before this when we could just race around and smash things all for the fun it issues. A time when we were allowed to be kids. A time when I could look my friend in the eye and laugh with him, smile with him, dine with him, tease him and play with him.

And then my awareness returns and I despair all over again and I subconsciously know that I'm past the midpoint to sealing my true self off. All that remains is one little nudge, a mistake, an opinion similar to mine or just an impulse.


Thank y'all for reading.

This is a three book series so this epilogue is about the Book 2 of the Untold Series Triad titled I am Kai.

I don't have a particular date yet but I will start publishing chapters on I am Kai this month.

Read, Vote and Comment. I would very much like to hear all your opinions, be it mistakes, praises or criticism.

Thank you.

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