Chapter 6

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Rugio came upon the rosewood and there was Nabal sitting down on a log.
Its about time I've been waiting for you... Nabal says.

Nabal what has come over you, what is all this madness, and why do you have my abilities?

Nabal smiles and pulls his hand out of his pocket and in his right hand was the crystal. He raises the crystal up and it starts to glow.

Nabal what are you thinking?  Don't do anything rash.

He turns and looks at Rugio who has confusion written all over his face. I'm doing what needs to be done friend.

He raises his other hand clenches it and brings it down towards the human village north of the dome. Two seconds later a meteor enters the earth's atmosphere and falls into the village.

Rugio was outraged at the sight of what Nabal just did. What happened to you, why would you do something like that? They were innocent women and children in that village and you just.... you just killed all of them.
Innocent you say, the humans planned to wipe us out with the materials and weapons we helped them acquire and the sins of the father is always passed on to the children.
You don't know that for sure, Rugio says.

Don't I? he asks. Cause I just watched a kid get killed by humans. He raises his hand again and before he could bring it down again, Rugio draws his sword and shoots himself towards

Nabal who draws his own sword and their swords clash. The force of the clash shoots Nabal a good distance backwards.

I see... Nabal chuckles, you still possess the shot - one of the gifts of gou - that makes this interesting.

Am sorry that you had to witness something like that. The culprits would have been punished if the case was reported, you of all people should know that.

And if it isn't reported, what happens then? Nabal asks.

The system ain't perfect we all know that. But wiping out a whole village because some of its residents are shitty people makes you just as bad as them, Rugio says.

I told you to make them submissive when we first got here but you refused, now a kid is dead and you still wont do anything. I guess its a good thing I got your gou then, Im going to fix the system by first putting the humans in their rightful place below us, Nabal finishes.

Rugio sheathes his sword back, I need to end this as soon as possible he mutters. Alliance activate; open armory, Rugio mumbles. He rushes towards Nabal again bare handed with his arms stretched out like he was expecting something to enter them.

Is that so?

Nabal says, nothing a little speed can't fix he says and the crystal starts glowing. Nabal moves so fast that in a split second he zooms over to Rugio and tries to slash him with his sword.

But before it hits Rugio two daggers materialize in his hands. He uses them to block the attack and flings himself over Nabal, the daggers disappear and metallic fist cuffs materialize before he can land on his feet. He throws a punch to nabal's side which he uses his sword to intercept, he throws another and Nabal bends down and sweeps him of his feet.

Before he could hit the floor a shield materializes under him and pushes him back up. He materializes a long sword and tries to slash Nabal as he gets back up but he dodges and backs away from him. Nabal turns to where Rugio is supposed to be but he can't find him.

Rugio appears from above him, rosewood sword unseal, he says and a gust of cold wind envelopes Nabal and completely freezes him.

He cuts off the hand holding the crystal from the ice sculpture and it falls to the floor. He bends to pick it up, when he receives a kick that shoots him through about three huge trees.

The ice unfreezes and Nabal walks to his frozen arm on the floor, picks it up and unfreezes it. You seem to forget that I also possess a gift of nature. Pain Brigade; Pain transfer, he says and all the pain from the cut and hypothermia is transferred to Rugio.

Rugio screams in pain, gets up from the ground and stumbles to get his balance. The shot; full power, he says.

His eye glows golden for a split second and then, in the blink of an eye he's standing in front of Nabal he throws a punch that Nabal blocks with his sword. The force of the punch clears a 5mile radius around them.

Rugio immediately materializes a black shrouded dagger and pierces the crystal chipping it a little.

Nabal jumps a good distance back after seeing this. He then glares at Rugio in anger.

Do you really think you could defeat me, even though you're now weaker than I used to be? Nabal asks. You do, don't you.

As he says this his face contorts in anger. Even without all your powers you still look down on me. I'm going to show you just how weak you've become and make you understand your place.

Yellow Light and dark light particles appears around Nabal, different forms of energy orbs also materialize...

Purple – teleportation energy; deep red - radiation; bluish white - freeze ray, white - lightening; red lightening; yellow lightening; ...

He holds Rugio with telekinesis and then sends all the attacks all at once...

There is a huge explosion and when the dust clears, miles of forest had been turned to barren wasteland.
Nabal turns and fly's away out of the dome and towards the human villages...

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