Part Two ••• Chapter 8

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Over a thousand years later....

Its almost dusk in what seems to be a camp site of some sort. "Zane come on, its urgent", a man screams as he emerges from a tent with a mischievous smile on his face.

The man looked young, mid-twenties perhaps, had blonde and brown hair and wore a black singlet with a camo short.

"Zaneeeee!!!!!!!!!! " He screams again and someone else emerges from one of the tents.

There's a striking resemblance between the both of them, his hair seemed to be more brown than blond, but that's was the only physical difference. Zane, the second guy seemed a bit younger than Scott though, like a younger brother.

"What's so important that you were screaming my na..... Woaw", he trips and falls straight into a mud bowl.

"Scott you...", Zane says facing the guy that called him out in the first place.

"It's April Fools dumbass", Scott says with a smirk on his face.

"Ugh. Ill get you back later".

Just then a courier arrives with a package tagged Oregon Inc...

Scott collects the package and signs off on it. "Zane tell the whole squad we have a new mission. Meeting in the big tent now", Scott says.

"OK", Zane replies and walks off.

A few minutes later,

The whole squad is gathered in a really large tent and Scott addresses them.

"We have a new mission and it's from Oregon, but the information contained in it is quite sketchy. We are required to go to these coordinates and search the area for anything unusual".

"What's the pay?", Malibu asks.

"Well that's the sketchy part, it's 10 million dollars. 2 million dollars we're in the parcel that arrived earlier today".

"I received a wired transfer alert of 3 million and the remaining 5 million will be paid after the assignment is complete", Scott finishes.

"Now that money is way too much for a scouting mission which means whatever they're searching for is quite important", Zane finishes.

"How many soldiers do we have now, zane?", Scott asks.
"Plus 6 medical staff we have 33 men".

"Alright then since Its a search everyone is going", Scott finalizes.


"Sir! Sir!" A girl screams as she barges into a nicely furnished office.

As she enters the office she pauses for a second and then she speaks.

"Mr Grey the crystal just started glowing in lab", the woman says.

The man sitting in the office raises his head almost immediately at attention to reveal a refined Nabal in a Two-piece suit.

"Lead the way, Kate".

The girl nods and walks out with him right behind her.

They enter the lab and the crystal is now normal.
"Sir I can promise you it was glowing, Kate says in a bit of a shaky voice".

Nabal walks over to the crystal case and places his hands on the Crystal.

"Unseal", he mutters and the crystal starts glowing he inhales deeply as he feels the power course through him.

"They're all back, now all my plans will now be implemented". He turns around and looks at Kate.

"Tell Tracy to get back to me on the new search location".

"Why don't I show you what this can do", he says to Kate. Before she could reply he teleport to about five different locations in the room and then the door.

He then walks out of the room.

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