Chapter 15

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“my, my where are my manners? we didn’t introduce ourselves”
“I’m Colin Grey and this is my brother Troy Grey”.

“And I’m Scott and this is my team mate Malibu,” I reply mimicking his tone of speech.
“like he said, we came to break our teammates out. They probably haven’t eaten dinner yet”.

Colin and Troy walk towards us and stop a few inches short, “that won’t be possible,” Troy says. Colin puts his left hand in his pocket and brings out some irregular looking rocks. He starts twirling them in his hands while looking at us without betraying any emotion unlike Troy who was fuming.
Malibu chuckles at Troy’s behavior and starts ranting, “you know that’s just rude, right. What kinda hosts are you?”

“you have guests in your fine establishment and you haven’t even received us properly, you then go ahead to shoot at us and advance to denying our requests”.

“We really are civilized people but we ain’t taking no for an answer so I guess we’re doing things our own way then”. As he finishes talking he locks his gaze behind the room causing both Troy and Colin to look around in search of what he was so intently gazing at. As Troy looks back, Malibu closes the gap between them in a single bound and lands a punch with each of his fists on both brothers. Troy gets shot into the wall while Colin catches Malibu’s fist and then turns back to face him, “nice try,” Colin says and then proceeds to fling him into another wall.

Meanwhile, Zane had been going through their systems.

Zane's POV

“Whoa!” I exclaim as I see a guy in a suit and another girl in what seems to be a jump suit connected through tubes to Burrows and Doug, while Laxis and Anna were connected to a weird looking object and put in suspension tubes.

“the guy and girl seem to be their people,” I rush over to the computer in that wing and a file named “Project D.I.C.E” was open. I start to go through it and discover that it’s about the experiment being performed on Doug, Burrows, Anna and Laxis.

I don’t understand the science of the experiment so I scroll up until I come across the objective of the experiment.
Project D.I.C.EDemonio Invasao Contrato Experimento.

I understand that super powered humans exist but the idea of the existence of Demons is ridiculous.

An experiment to infuse demons inside humans and have them undergo Mind Control Immersion Therapy so that they follow every and all commands issued by selected personnel. An alarm starts blaring in the computer with the message “30 seconds till completion of DICE”.

Just then Malibu crashes into the wall above the computer and falls back down.

“You crashed into the electrical line for the computer, we need to leave now”.
Malibu looks up at me confused and I realize that I’m still inside my head and he doesn’t understand the connection between the computer shutting off and us leaving immediately. 

“What about them?” he asks pointing at Burrows, Doug, Laxis, and Anna. “We can’t leave them here”.

“At the moment we have to go. They underwent a different series of experiments and it was successful, the computer was shut down before I could stop it. Hence they are completely under the control of the Greys. They are going to wake up soon and we’ll be completely outnumbered,” I finish as I shove Malibu out of that wing and we start to run to Scott who was holding a power dampener in one hand and a gun pointed at Colin in the other. On the same spot where they were when Malibu was punched through the wall.

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