Chapter 11

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Ah, my head!  I feel like I got hit by a truck. Why is the light so bright? I mutter to myself as I open my eyes.

It takes a few seconds for my eyes to adjust to the brightness of the room.  Where am I?  How did I get here?  I think to myself?

The room is all white with only one door, one window and a bed,  almost like a psych ward. 

Wait, Zane!  Where is Zane?  All these questions flood through my mind with no forthcoming answers. "What could've happened?" I unknowingly say out loud.

"Hey Scott, is that you?" I turn towards the voice but I'm still the only one in the room. 

"Either I'm in here with an invisible ghost or I've finally lost it", I mutter as I look around towards the voice that called. 

It's Zane, I'm in the next room. I go closer to the wall and around the edge of the wall there's a small netted hole.

"Zane how are you doing? Are you okay?" I ask.

"Yea I'm good, you? ", he replies.

"Apart from the mind splitting migraine I have at the moment, I'm okay. "

What's going on? How did we get here?

"Wait don't you remember?", Zane asks.  I try to think back but my migraine intensifies. All my efforts are all for naught.

"Scott what's the last thing you remember?" , Zane asks.

"Well Oregon gave us a job.  I was flirting with Tracy. Jamie said he found something unusual. The rest is all blank." I say.

"We found another world hidden by some type of cloaking force field. Tracy called her dad and reported it and in a few minutes, Mr. Grey was there."

"Wait!!! Did you say a few minutes?", I ask.

"Yea. Although it would be more appropriate to say a few seconds as it wasn't even up to a few minutes."

I thought he was at their head office, I mutter just barely loud enough for Zane to hear.

"Well I wouldn't know but it seemed strange. It seemed like one second he wasn't there and the next he was right in front of us."

"We all fell down, paralysed after he arrived. You must have hit your head and passed out, that would explain your migraine." he adds.

"So how did we get here?" I ask again.

"Well I don't know. The last thing I remember is a faint but coherent voice in my head.  It was old but strong, almost like a whisper but commanding at the same time."

"I sound crazy right?" Zane asks.

"Considering our circumstances at the moment, we need all the help we can get," I say. 

"So what did the voice say?" I ask.

"One word", Zane replies.


"What about the others?" I ask.

"Well the ones I've accounted for are alright", he replies.

How many have you accounted for? I ask.

"Well twenty including you and I", he replies.

"That's way to precise a number to be a coincidence. I think we were divided into two groups, though this is still just my theory", he adds.

"Let's work with that until proven otherwise".
"Who are the thirteen missing?"  I ask.

"Laxis, Anna, Burrows, Jace, Doug, Boyd, Sonia, Big tee, Travis, Jordee, Sam, Jose and Corbin."

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