Chapter 8

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Amy pulled up in front of her house to find Trina waiting for her. "Amy, where have you been? Better question what happened to your car?"

"The car got totaled?"

"What happened, Oh my god your face"

"It's a scratch Trina, nothing so bad as that. If you must know I had an appointment"

"To see a doctor?"


"You got in a car wreck and you haven't seen a doctor, where the hell is your car?"

"It's at the junkyard. I did see a doctor, and I'm fine."

"Well yeah but are you healthy"

"As I can be" Amy responded ignoring the innuendo.

"Well, then what was the appointment for?"

"Look, Trina, I just want to go inside and relax can you call me later and we can talk about it?"

"Stop being so damn mysterious, I don't hear from you for weeks and your going to secret meetings."

"It's nothing like that!"

"Are you having an affair or something?"


"Well then what is it did you join a Cult? Sideshow at a circus?"

"Um not exactly". Amy stammered.

"What exactly then?" Trina pushed.

"I'd rather not say," Amy mumbled. Amy forced the key in the lock and opened the door and walked inside and was trailed by Trina. "Amy is that you? Cora called.

"Your living with another woman?" Trina said angrily.

"Just till things settle down" Amy replied.

"Yes, Cora I'm back!" Amy called.

"With Cora? The slut Cora?" Trina asked.

"Yes with Cora, don't assume things that you don't know anything about Trina"

"Oh I know about Cora, she tried to get me to play little girl for some dirty old man"

"I'm sure she did," Amy said putting her things down on the counter. Cora walked out of the bedroom without a stitch on. Trina gasped.

"Hi Trina it's been a long time," Cora said smiling at her friend the gap between her teeth glaring"

"Oh my god Cora," Trina said.

"You guys catch up" Amy suggested, "I need to take care of some things." Amy hurried to the bedroom but before she could do anything the two other women came in right behind her.

"Oh no you're not getting out of this that easy, I want to know who you were with?"

"None of your damn business," Amy said.

"Yeah, and who bit your butt" Cora said.

"She has bites on her butt?" Trina asked.

"Yeah, I saw them the other day, last time she came back from her little meetings. 

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