Chapter 9

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Amy got into her car shaking her head at what was probably going on in her house. She knew that both girls were at least bisexually inclined but she still didn't feel entirely comfortable with the whole idea. She liked men, she could still smell his cum that had dried on her body. The scent was intoxicating she scraped some from between her breasts and licked it off her finger. She closed her eyes and squirmed in her seat for a minute remembering and fantasizing. She was tempted just to play with herself in the privacy of the rental car but opted not to. She had an appointment at the police station. She started the car and put it into drive.

She arrived at the police station and the desk Sargent directed her to a desk where Officer Linwood was working on some paperwork. She looked up "It appears that the gentleman you hit with your car is attempting to sue you. No criminal charges will be made the DA was clear with the number of witnesses, they believe that you were acting in self-defense."

"Thank you I was acting more in self-preservation"

Officer Linwood smiled "You did okay, we were able to gather some information from him and the other two guys who got hit by the truck. There is apparently a bounty on you and your friend. Fortunately, they only have a physical description of you, they do have several pictures of Cora."

"That's not helpful"

"No it really isn't, but the bounty is proof of injury, they only want to hurt you badly, humiliate you or some other such thing."

"You mean, really they don't want to kill us?"

"Not exactly, I think they want you to be so vulnerable that you will be easy to kill, they don't want anyone else to do it."

"So they pay people to hurt us bad enough that they can walk up and finish us off?"

"That is about the size of things."


"Well if you don't mind I'd like to take you for a drink."


"Come on" Officer Linwood said taking Amy by the arm. The two women walked out of the police department and they walked about three blocks and turned into a dingy looking bar. The place was old and smelled slightly of stale beer. There was a woman at the counter tending bar and there were four men, two playing pool and one watching and the floor, a man was sitting at a table all by himself.

"Officer." Amy began.

"Amy my name is Donna"

"Donna?" Amy corrected, and the other woman smiled.

"And this," Donna said leading Amy to the table where a man was nursing a beer "Is my brother Marcus, he is, let's just say that he's my best bet since I don't exactly trust all of the police department."

"What do you mean?" Amy asked sitting down at the booth.

"Let's just say that Blake and his brother Will, are very well connected and have financed several elected officials campaigns."

"But he..."

"It's easier for them to help make you disappear than it is for them to see their patron disappear."

"Am I really in that much trouble, I mean"

"Yes and no, No I don't think you're in big trouble yet, but the word is getting around and you can't remain anonymous for too much longer."

"So what can we do?"

"There isn't much that I can do, the Chief wants me to quash the case entirely, I want to send it up the line, to higher authorities. I'm not sure how that will work. Corruption in politics is a very dirty game."

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