Chapter 24

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Amy looked up as Andy came in the door with a bottle of champagne in one hand she grabbed Trina and spun her around and then pulled her close. "Syndicated!"

"What?" Trina asked.

"I got Syndicated, the expose on the whole rich kids killing women, the FBI, the Corruption, I'm going to New York!"

"That's great Andy!"

"Party tonight!" Andy popped the cork on the bottle and then found glasses and poured each of them a liberal volume of the golden liquid.

"What does that mean? Your moving?"

"Nah, at least not right away, but I do have to go up and visit the big men of business and get some contracts signed and let some of the other networks and media outlets wine and dine me and make me feel important."

"Glad to see you're keeping your feet on the ground for this" Amy said.

"Don't be like that Amy, it's my dream come true"

"Yeah, congratulations," Amy held up the glass towards the other and kicked it back."I'll be in my room"

"What?" Andy looked at Trina who looked equally nonplussed at the actions of her friend.

"Let her be," Trina said finally.

Amy sat down at the table where she had set up her laptop, she closed her eyes and started writing, not anything in particular, in fact she was having difficulty coming up with linear thoughts, she just wrote, one sentence maybe two and then feeling it was going nowhere she would hit the return and start again. She managed a few paragraphs here and there but there was still nothing coherent. She lost track of time and when there was suddenly a beating on her door followed by "Amy! Amy!"


"Get out here please!"

Amy pulled on her robe and tied it before stepping out into the hallway. She blinked her eyes the transition of before and after was a shock to her senses. There were a half dozen women on laying on the floor and furniture some still wearing a semblance of clothing a blouse here and a skirt there but for the most part, they were naked. There were still a few who were moving, lethargically but still. Trina led Amy to Andy. Andy reeked, she had foam around the corners of her mouth.

"Trina how long has she been like this?"

"I... I don't know Amy I walked in and found her like this"

Amy shook her head and tried to remember the things that she learned in her first aid classes. Something about ABC, what did that stand for other than some alphabet soup? A- Airway she opened Andy's mouth it was full. "Help me roll her on her side," Amy said. "Andy we are going to roll you over," she said. Andy didn't respond and to Amy, that was a bad sign. The two girls rolled Andy to her side and Amy used a finger to move the foam and vomit out of Andy's mouth. They moved her back on her back. Amy closed her eyes, she was going to do this. She tilted the girls head back and pinched her nose and breathed into Andy's mouth. She repeated it watching her chest fall, the third time, she prayed grasping in the desperation of any hope that Andy would be okay.

Andy Coughed and heaved and Amy pushed her to her side as the contents of her stomach spilled onto the floor. "What do we do?" Trina asked.

"Did you think maybe she needs medical attention?"

"Yeah that's why I called you"

"Jesus Christ Trina call an ambulance" She watched as she stumbled around until she finally found a phone and dialed. Amy checked for a pulse, she couldn't find it but Andy was breathing on her own, so she figured that must mean that her heart was beating. It took only a few minutes for the ambulance to arrive and Amy got the hospital from the attendants. She turned to Trina, get dressed we are going to the hospital. The rest of the guests had cleared out thankfully or at least moved to their cars. The Police arrived and there were going to be problems Amy could see. Hopefully, there were no illicit drugs around that could be tied to Andy. She took Trina to the garage and the two left for the hospital. 

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