Chapter 27

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Amy finished unpacking her things it would be a while before she saw any insurance money for her lost things. She was more than a little annoyed at that but the insurance company had put her up in a hotel, which was nice and because of here several weeks t Andy's she was able to get a deal at a four-star hotel. Granted it was a chain but it was a nice chain, not one of that ugly stay by the month places. She had unpacked her bag, seriously she had four sets of pants and shirts none of which would mix and match really and two pairs of underwear and two bras's neither of which matched. She needed to go shopping badly. She had another week before she got her monthly check. She sighed and lay on the bed and watched television. Good old mind-numbing television. She lay there watching not knowing if she really wanted to get out of bed. She really didn't have any reason to. Everything was gone, her friends, her love life, her house, all she had was her writing and that was ruined because her tutor wouldn't see her anymore. She lay there and stared at the ceiling before deciding.

She got up and took a shower after she dressed in mismatched clothes, the only ones that were clean she walked out to her rental car. She didn't even own a car. But at least the insurance money for that should be forthcoming sooner she thought. She pulled out of the parking lot just as the rain started, she drove right up to Jame's house. She stepped out of her car and into the deluge. By the time she reached the door she was soaked, her clothes cold and wet clinging to her body. She rang the bell and shivered and waited. The intercom box buzzed "I told you not to come back"

"You promised to help me"

"I did help you"

"You're not done yet"

"Go home Amy"

"I'm not leaving till we talk"

"We are talking"

"This is not talking," Amy said to the intercom. She stood there in the rain, it wasn't like she was going to get any wetter, or any colder, she shivered, she wasn't ready to give up. She wasn't sure how long she waited her phone stopped working at some point and refused to come on due to it being waterlogged. After a while, the porch light came on as the sky turned darker. The storm grew more and more ominous forks of lighting skittered across the sky. She waited as thunder rolled. She leaned against the wall. Finally sitting curled in a ball.

"Right then," Jame said opening the door, "if you're going to be a stubborn fool I'll not be responsible for you dying out here." She tried to get up but she was so cold she could barely feel her legs and her hands were cramped in such a way that she couldn't push herself to her feet no matter how hard she tried. "Really," he said he walked out into the rain and lifted her. It seemed easy for him, she knew she didn't weigh much over one hundred and thirty but still the ease which he lifted her made her bite her lip. "Don't get any ideas?" he said to her as he carried her over the threshold and into the house, kicking the door closed behind him. He gently laid her down by the stove which was quite warm and caused her own clothes to begin to steam. He left her on the floor as she basked in the warmth of the stove. He came back a few minutes later with several fluffy towels. He laid them on the floor next to Amy and then turned and walked to his desk.

As Amy dried off and thawed out she slowly stripped out of her clothes leaving them to dry near the stove. She wrapped herself in two of the towels one in a sort of turban around her head and the other across her breasts. She worried a little that if she breathed too hard that her boobs would pop out and ruin the effect. He poured a liberal amount of liquor into his tumbler and watched her. She stepped up to where he was sitting. "Well?" He said as he took a sip.

"I need to talk to you"

"So you said, so talk"

"I think it's really unfair that you ... you won't continue with me"

He nodded.

"I asked you to help me with my writing, and you have but I don't think we are done yet, and I can't get you out of my head I can't have it end this way"

He waited looking at her. After a few moments, he asked "Are you done?"

"Yes, yes I think so"

"First of all, who the hell said anything about fair. This was an arrangement that was made at my discretion and I can damn well break it off whenever I feel like it. As to you not being able to get me out of your head, I'm sorry that you have some kind of weird infatuation with me, I never asked for that nor did I want it, we had some fun, and then things got serious when you brought those hired guns over. It put me in a position that I didn't ever want to be in again and I resent that you put me there. Understand that I am glad and happy that you are safe and your not in any more trouble. But I would prefer it if you leave at the earliest convenient time."


"Because I don't want you here?"

"Why not?"

"I thought I made that abundantly clear"

"Can I do anything to change your mind?"


"I'm sorry, I'm sorry I brought all my troubles on you, I'm sorry those men followed me here, I'm sorry I'm such a fucking cow, I can't believe that you won't let me continue to work with you, is it that I don't meet your standards? Do you want a girl with smaller tits? I'll get you one, I'll tie her up and deliver her to you, or a fatter ass? I know one of those too, would that make you happy? Do you want me to get down on my knees and beg you? Would that work? Should I be naked" she stripped off the towel and pulled her hair free. "Please James, please," she dropped to her knees "I'm sorry I took advantage of our relationship, it will never ever happen again I promise, just please please let me finish this, I need this, I'll do anything you ask, be anything you ask, just please, please."

"Stop!" James said suddenly. "This is not the Amy I know, I gain no pleasure in you demeaning yourself, humiliating yourself in front of me. I'm not interested in a crying begging Amy, the Amy I knew was strong, would stand up for herself. Not this."

"But..." she looked at him the lines of tears streaking her face.

"Stop it," He said softly. "If you want it this bad,that you would do this, disgusting display, fine I will continue our sessions"

"You are not a monster"

"You don't know what you are talking about, now get your things and go before I change my mind"


"Friday, evening"

"Okay," Amy said pulling her underwear up and her pants up tucking her bra in her pocket, She pulled on her shirt.

"There is an Umbrella by the door, bring it back Friday" 

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