Chapter 38

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Amy smiled down at little Priceless Joan Linwood. "She's beautiful Cora"

"Thank you" Cora beamed. "I love her so much and Marcus does too, he's been helping a lot with diapers and things, I have been taking care of the feedings."

"Would you like to hold her James?" Amy asked. She looked over at Marcus and with a look, he swallowed his objection.

"I don't know I..." James began as Amy lay the baby in his arms. She watched his eyes as he gently stroked the little girl's long tresses from her face with a fingertip.

"You seem to have a way with her." Amy grinned at him. Priceless cooed at him and made baby noises. "Isn't she beautiful?"

James seemed awestruck and, was only able to nod. The baby grabbing his finger and pulling it to her mouth. "She is so tiny and so precious," He said softly. He looked at the baby for a long while before handing her back to her mother. Amy took him by the arm and guided him out onto the porch.

"Thanks for coming again, James." She said looking up into his brown eyes.

"That's the damnedest thing I think I have ever seen."

"What?" Amy asked half chuckling.

"I don't know I never looked at a baby quite like that before, it..." Amy bit her lip as she watched the tear well in his eyes and slowly roll down his cheek. "It almost makes me want to have one of my own?"

"What's keeping you?" Amy asked.

"I guess finding the right woman."

"Oh?" Amy said turning to him and putting her hands on her hips. "What am I chopped liver over here?"

"I quite like chopped liver thank you very much," James turned and smiled at her, but you are still young and I don't want to burden you with a child or me."

"I see." Amy poked him in the chest with a finger, "Listen here James Harding, If I try any harder to get you to marry me I'm going to have to get Hank and Marcus to produce shotguns and a priest. If you want a baby you got it, I want more than anything to be with you and I would be blessed to have your child."

"Are you serious?"

"Try me James try me, find out just how serious I am" 

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