Chapter 14

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Andy worked from her cubicle, she had been reluctant to leave the eager and satisfying Trina, who knew that girl had that kind of energy especially directed at sex. It had not taken her very long to reveal the financial records of the infamous brothers, their father had been an oil baron and sold out before the big bust, and then turned around and bought tech. Some of the stuff had worked out other stuff hadn't. But in the end, the net worth of the family could be measured in excess of nine zeros.

The boys it seemed had gone to all the right schools although Blake it seems had a bit of a mean streak. He had beaten up several of his former girlfriends and had been implicated in several sexual assaults over the years. It appeared with enough money you could make such things go away, and they did. Now however it appeared that he had several judges and the District Attorney's office in his pocket. Well, that explained why they weren't being looked at by the police. It explained so much. She emailed the local office of the FBI with her findings, including the string of murders that had been committed quietly. The media hadn't really been very helpful with that. Of course, she had easily put the pieces together once she understood what they were. She knew if she broke the story, well there might be hell to pay, there would certainly be a lawsuit unless of course, she got some real evidence. She called on her Interns, she was still surprised that she had two interns but, they wanted into the dirty business of journalism here was the door. She sent them out to find out whatever it was that was out there. She called them Mutt and Jeff, she wasn't sure what their real names were she would have to look that up later if they came up with anything interesting. In the meantime, she worked with what she had forming the story. She really needed interviews with Cora, she had already badgered Amy enough, besides she got the impression that Amy would need a lot more social lubricant to give her the kind of interview that she really wanted.

What about the policewoman, she tapped her pencil against her teeth, could she contact her without causing too much of a disturbance. She would have to be careful she decided. Approach her carefully. That was one of the linchpins. Her story, of how the police allowed a family to run roughshod over a community. 

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