Chapter 28

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Amy was halfway back to the hotel when Cora called. Amy pulled off to the side of the road. "Hello?"

"Amy I was worried you weren't going to pick up, I wasn't sure if I gave you my new number."

"You didn't, I called my phone from your phone last time we saw each other"

"Oh well I'm glad you picked up anyway"

"Whats up Cora?"

"I wanted to know if you want to do dinner I, well I need someone to talk to about, well you know stuff"

"Fine Cora, shall we go to Olive Garden or someplace like that?"

"That would be great!"


"Are you busy?"

"Not really no?"

"Okay, I'll meet you at the one just off..."

Amy knew the place and changed direction, two rights made a left and within a few minutes, she arrived. She only had to sit on the wooden bench outside for five minutes before Cora arrived.

"Hi Cora," Amy said standing.

"Amy" Cora pulled Amy into a hug, "You have no idea, I'm so glad to see you"

"How did it go with Marcus"

Cora paused and looked at the ground, "I kinda wanted to talk to you about that, how are things with James?"

"James is a work in progress, I need to work on him some more, but I'm not banished anymore"

"You were banished?"

"Yeah he kinda got upset"


"When I went over and two men were trying to hurt me and..."

"Did he kill them?"

"No, I don't think so?"

"Marcus Killed the two men who came after me" Cora admitted quietly.


"He killed them before they even made it a few feet past the door, I was really freaked out about that, I mean the bloodstains and stuff, I didn't see the bodies, well I kinda did they wheeled them away in the coroner's van, but you know I didn't see see them. And he didn't let me look at the spot, he covered it with sawdust and then cleaned it up really good but I could still faintly see the bloodstain. It was exciting and scary at the same time."

"No, he didn't kill them. But I guess he scared them enough that one of them confessed to everything and that's how they captured Will and Blake."

"I heard the FBI"

"Yes when I eventually talked to Donna, she is the cop, Marcus' sister"

"Oh, his sister is a cop?"


"Wow, he's all kinds of awesome" Cora gushed.

"I'm not sure what you mean?" Amy said as their salads and breadsticks arrived.

"Amy, he's a good man, what I thought I was looking for, wasn't really what I was looking for, I was looking for this and I guess all the things that happened made me realize that."

"I always thought it was kind of stupid the way you judged men by the car they drive and the clothes they wear."

"Yeah well maybe I was looking for a meal ticket, it's stupid now that I understand, but now that I do understand, I want someone who cares about me, not about my tits or how I can go down on him or how I put out"

"Really Cora?" Amy glanced around and her eyes met the scowl of a septuagenarian across from them. "Keep it down, and pg for the love of Pete, we are in a public restaurant."

"I know but, he's just so..."

"Great, wonderful, handsome?" Amy sighed.

"Yes, it's just that, I don't know how he feels about me, I want him."

"You want him?"

"Just him"

"So why don't you"

"Because he wouldn't take me like that, he is a real man he doesn't want just a piece of"

Amy held up her hand in defense, "I get it, I have the same problems except."

"Really?" Cora asked as she sipped her drink "You are in love with a guy and you feel like he doesn't even acknowledge that you are a woman?"

"Oh no, he knows I'm a woman, he just won't give me the time of day. It's like he doesn't want to get near me and I don't understand why"

"Most men are so simple and easy, why is it that the really interesting ones are hard"

"Because that's what makes them so freaking interesting" Amy sighed and ate a forkful of salad.

They continued to talk into their dinner trying to devise a strategy to get the men they were after. They ended up just hoping for the best and having a good meal together. As friends, Amy was glad for her new and wiser friend Cora, she didn't feel quite so alone anymore. 

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