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With a wide grin, America had his head held high and marched through the school gates, a loud pounding sound from his boots. His black backpack slung over his shoulders and meeting his deep grey shirt with the word NATO spread across it, America clutched onto his bag straps tighter. It was his first day back at school, and hell, he was looking forwards to see the new kids.

Slightly nervous too, but that was aside the point.

"Hey, Joe!" A familiar voice called from his side, "How was summer break?"

America looked over, it was Philippines. His smirk grew wider as he changed his direction to the country, excited to start a conversation.

"Yeah, it was great!" America exclaimed, "I got to go to a party, and dude, I gotta tell you, it was great!"

"That's cool," Phil responded, beginning to walk slowly with America to the school building, "Did you hook up with anyone?"

America punched Phil on the arm playfully, they both giggled at what the smaller country had said.

"Nah, I was close to having a one night stand with a really hot chick though," America sounded disappointed, "That was probably my only shot too - Brazil got to her first though."

"I swear you're gay though?" Phil questioned, "You even said it yourself that guys are more interesting and fun to be around."

"I'm not in the mood to question that right now," America huffed, dismissing what Philippines had said, "Maybe later I'll find someone to be gay for, but at the moment, I don't think so."

"So you're saying you could be gay?" Phil asked sceptically as they wandered into the main building. There were countries left and right, excited to see one another, many of which turned and greeted America once they'd walked in. Barely anyone said hello to Philippines, though, as he was just a tag-along in their eyes.

"Kinda.." America trailed off, he spoke with other countries.

"I think I'm going to go see how my brother is doing," Phil sighed after a few minutes, unable to grab America's attention, "I'll see you around, Joe."

"Oh, okay," America's gaze flicked downwards to Phil, "I'll talk to you later, then."

As Philippines disappeared into the crowd, America began to take long strides forward. As he walked, he fistpumped with a few other countries and gave a few more high fives, he loved this attention; he lived in it.

"America, America!" Called a desperate voice behind him. America turned his head slightly and down to a shorter country, Poland, who tended to be shy. America passed notes between Germany and the country in front of him often, as they didn't have the courage to do it themselves. "Can you please give this to Niemcy?"

America held out his hand as Poland placed a box in his palm hesitantly, it seemed to be important to him. America smirked courageously, holding the box to his chest.

"I'll give the box to Germany soon, how about that?" America suggested, "I'll try find him."

"Oh, yes!" Poland exclaimed, clapping his hands together, "Thank you, Ameryka!"

"Sure, sure," Be murmured as he turned around and started back in the direction he originally went, the box he protected tight in his hands. He knew that this was important, and he was the centre piece in bringing together Germany and Poland - after their past, he thought they should make up, hopefully more. And, by the looks of things, he'd get his wish.

America soon approached his locker, entering his code into the red, metal door, he opened it and threw his bag in it. He closed the locker and locked it up again, a towering figure suddenly beside him. This person was new. Yet, his headwear reminding him of something.. someone.

"Hey there," America waved to the taller country, "Are you new? Haven't seen you around.."

"Yes," The other responded coldly with a deep, smooth voice, "I am from out of town. I think I am in your year, correct me if I am wrong."

"Oh, cool!" America beamed, "Do you wanna hang out with me and my friends at lunch?"

"No," They said blankly, "I would prefer to sit with my siblings."

"Well," America huffed, "I'm America. It's nice to meet you."

"Russia," The other replied, soon walking in the other direction once they were done with their locker. America scoffed, that was kinda rude. Like, America was the king of the school - who'd disrespect a king?

America looked back down to the box in his hands, he'd try and give it to Germany in the next break. He knew Germany was in science, and he could meet him there, right? America nodded to himself, he was amazing at making up plans - and quite modest, too.

He marched through the hallway which slowly filled with countries, he knew it was almost class time - and he didn't want to be late. Liked by students, liked by teachers, liked by everyone, is how his world rotated.

Once the bell had rung he was already at his desk, greeting others as they showed up, and even greeting his teacher, Egypt. She was a pretty good teacher, he liked her.

"Hey, miss!" He sat up, "How are you?"

"Oh, fine, tired," She nodded at him. She liked having America in her class - though he might've not done his work to the best he could, he still had a good attitude. "Now, attendance!"

Egypt called out everyone's names, most were present that day. Most were safe.



In the middle of America doing his history work, he suddenly jolted forward with his heart feeling as though it just leapt out of his chest after he smelt something vinegary, something ripe. He knew it wasn't other's BO, it was much worse than that. He could feel his insides churning, like he was about to vomit; but nothing came.

"Are you alright, America?" Egypt asked, the whole class watching him. America paled and grinned slightly, nodding, and sitting back into his chair.

"I'll be okay."

25 Ways Of Dying (CountryHumans RusAme)Where stories live. Discover now