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Russia huffed, not even bothering to open his eyes. He didn't need to look for America, oh no - America was already clinging onto Russia's arm, his head rested against Russia's shoulder.

They both sat on a Ferris Wheel, at the top. It had stopped a short time ago, but the both of them were fine with it. They weren't in a rush - God, they didn't even know when they would get out of the simulations.

"Russia," America tugged at Russia's sleeve, looking up at him, "You okay?"

"I am tired, is all," Russia grumbled, rubbing his eyes with his free hand, "I am looking forward to when we can have proper sleep. Proper bed. I am missing that right now."

"Yeah, me too," America chuckled, trying to shuffled closer to Russia, pressing into his arm, "Anyway, I wanted to ask you something before, but I never got to, because, y'know.."

America rubbed his neck where the net had been. Russia nodded in understanding, looking down to America.

America sighed, "Well, what's happening with.. us? I mean, I dunno if this is normal 'best pal' kinda thing, I-"

"Shut up," Russia interrupted America, taking America by the shoulders and pushing America's glasses to his forehead. Russia stared America dead in the eye.

It was completely silent between them, before loud bangs echoed through the place. Flashing colours and crackles followed. America instantly looked to his side, and watched as hundreds of fireworks light up the sky.

Then, his face heated up to the feeling of a kiss on the cheek.

America jumped and looked to Russia with a confused expression, fireworks continued to light up the sky all around them. Russia placed a hand on America's cheek, and looked at him with an acceptance in his eyes.

"So we're..." America paused, and looked down, "We're.. a thing then?"

"Unofficially," Russia frowned, "Remember that there is always family that can stop us."

America saddened and held Russia's hand that had just been removed from his shoulder, and nudged into Russia's side.

"Let's hope they support us then," America mumbled, "For my family, I'm not sure about them supporting that.. I'm gay. I'm not even sure how they'll react when they find out we're gonna be a thing."

"We will be okay, do not worry," Russia chuckled, squeezing America's hand, "My father does not care less. He has better things to do. Nor do my siblings, they are always off doing own thing. So my family is not an obstacle."

"Yeah, mine is though," America complained into Russia's side, "My dad wants me to get a girlfriend, and my mom just, she doesn't care who I choose, as long as as they're a good person. And then if dad doesn't like us but he accepts us with a bit of argument, he'll probably make me explain to my younger siblings what homosexuality is, and yada yada ya, and it'll never end."

Explosions of more fireworks in the distance cancelled the silence. Russia huffed.

"Well, you have me, and I will try best to help you, yes?" Russia reassured America, "Because I am sure couples are meant to be there for one another."

America grinned, "Thanks, Russia. Thanks for doing this for me."

Russia only smirked as a response, kissing America on the forehead once more. He knew that they'd be in the next simulation, soon - and he was right.

A loud whistling approached them, a flailing firework that had been thrown off. Towards them. America clutched Russia's hand tighter right before the firework hit them.

The was a flash of light, an explosion, and a new place.

25 Ways Of Dying (CountryHumans RusAme)Where stories live. Discover now