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Russia looked about. He was sitting on a red beam at the middle of night, hundreds of metres above the ground. More red beams surrounded him, held up by a crane. He groaned, he was in a construction site. The construction site.

"R-Russia!" America chirped behind him, standing on another red beam, a few metres away from him. America had a wide grin across his face for whatever reason, Russia smirked in response. America looked up and down, trying to find his best way to Russia, before Russia stood up, clinging to the beam beside him, then deciding to slide down and squat. He stretched an arm to America, America's fingers barely brushed against Russia's.

"I-I can jump..?" America suggested, Russia shook his head and retracted his hand, America slid down and watched Russia. He had disappointment in his eyes.

"You are not meant to fall, America," Russia huffed. America looked down at his feet dangling beneath him, then back up at the Russian.

"You.." America began to realise, "You held me in the last projection? What gives?"

"It is instinct," Russia quickly spat out, trying to find an excuse, "You looked like you were suffering and I moved without thinking-"

"Shut up," America teased, "You just wanted to get some 'me' attention, huh?"

"Cyka," Russia growled, "That is not the reason. Like I said, instinct. We are not even friends."

"And like I said, I wouldn't count on that," America added, infuriating Russia further, he noticed, and huffed, "Come on dude, I'm joking! Jeez. Don't take it so literally."

"I am sorry that I am trying to keep us both safe!" Russia continued, America shrunk down, "Do you even begin to realise how many times I have almost lost my siblings? Because of experiments? I have almost died, for god's sake! I do not want to die, and much less you!"

"Russia.." America muttered, unconsciously reaching a hand out to him, "What exactly did you go through..?"

"I do not want to talk about it.." Russia paused, "At least you are lucky that your family does not try hurting you in every other minute of the day."

"Dude, I'm so sorry," America murmured, "H-how about once this whole thing is over, you can come to my place? I c-could invite my friends, a-and they could meet you too? You're a good guy, Russia, I just don't think you realise that."

Russia scoffed, averting America's eye contact. America hummed, standing up. He looked down, and then to Russia, weighing his options. Then, began to shake to beam he stood on, jumping and banging the red pole beside him. Russia looked up to America with wide eyes, about to stop him when he heard something higher up shift.

"America, what-"

"I want to punch you for being so stupid!" America growled, "You are an amazing guy when you try, and the only way I can punch you is if I'm standing by you, right?"

Russia sat there, dumbfounded, before a long and thin iron pole attached to some kind of metal rope swung down and directly through America's chest.

"Ouch.." America hissed, "Look, I'm expecting to see you standing by me next projection.. you hear me?"

Russia nodded slowly, as America began to blur from his vision. The area around him.

When everything cleared, he was, yet again, in a new place.

25 Ways Of Dying (CountryHumans RusAme)Where stories live. Discover now