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America blinked himself awake. It was cold. Freezing, even. He seemed to be in the centre of a forest, in the middle of a blizzard. America hugged himself as he tried calling for Russia, his cries were lost in the heavy wind and snow falling.

"Russia!" He chocked, "Russia, where are you? Are you okay?"

America looked around, trying his best to move forward. A silhouette in the distance seemed to notice America, they started towards him. America grinned with little of his energy, Russia wasn't so far away after all.

Russia eventually stood beside America, though he was still hard to see - he was still nothing but a silhouette, even from this distance.

"This reminds me of home," Russia chuckled, "Probably where this projection came from, to be honest."

"Where in the name of Jesus do you live?" America squeaked, "I've only ever lived in warm places.."

"Your definition of warm is definitely my definition of boiling," Russia said through his teeth, "But this, I would be fine in this weather if I had the right clothing."

"D-did you die last life?" America asked out of the blue, "Do we both have to die to go to the next life?"

"Only you," Russia exhaled, "But I can die too, yes."

"Good to know," America nodded, "Do you think if I don't die and you did, we'd still go to the next projection?"

"Very possibly," Russia thought out loud, "But do not take my word for it."

America nodded slowly, he stood there in the blizzard beside Russia. Though they might've not been the best of friends, they figured they had to put up with eachother to get out of this.

Russia backed down from America's side and curled up on the snowy ground, America looked at him, and did the same. He figured Russia would know what to do better than him, after all, he hadn't been in this situation before.

Then America realised.


He'd never had snow in his area before.

"Is snow always this cold?" He wondered out loud.

"No, dumbass," Russia chuckled, "This is a blizzard. Snow is cold, yes, but combined with heavy fall of the snow and extreme winds, it is much colder. We would be lucky if we got light snow, yes.."

America shivered, he cold feel himself going numb. Russia noticed, but did nothing, he still sat there and paid attention to the snow fall in front of him.

Russia, from the corner of his eye, watched America drop, limp.

He sighed.

Hopefully he wouldn't have to watch that again.

He hated watching someone die.

He hated watching America die.

And then... He was in a different place. Again.

25 Ways Of Dying (CountryHumans RusAme)Where stories live. Discover now