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Russia coughed. And coughed. Getting his breath and energy back, he stood, and observed his new surrounds - it was simply one of the hotels he had stayed in before, several floors up. More motels and apartment buildings surrounded the one he stood in.

Russia then heard America coughing. Then, loud and heavy panting. Seemed like he wasn't the only one to have have had a coughing fit.

"R-Russia," America called, still coughing in between sentences, "Co-could you hel-help?"

Russia suddenly became alert, and through his own coughing fit he found America, curled up on the floor and heavily breathing. There was an occasional cough.

"America," Russia muttered under his breath. Russia dropped down, and helped America sit up. Before long, it was silent.

"That hurt," America croaked, "But hey, that.. in the last projection, that was beautiful."

"Well," Russia chuckled, "That was good side of projection, yes?"

Russia looked down to America, who was seemingly avoiding his gaze. Russia tilted his head, leaning forward to see if something was wrong. America froze.

"Are you okay?" Russia asked, poking America on the side of his head. America laughed.

"Y-yeah, I'm fine, I'm fine," America got quieter and quieter, "Yeah.. yeah, I dunno."

"Yes, you do know," Russia frowned, "What is it?"

America sighed softly, and spoke softly, "In the last projection, b-before the alarms went off, I guess.. uh.. I guess we were having a moment.."

Russia hummed, and smiled to himself. He shuffled up to America, just enough to be shoulder to shoulder with him. He looked down to America for a response. Heat rose to America's face, he winced, embarrassed, and buried his face in his knees.

It was silent between them for awhile. Russia wondered if America had fallen asleep, as he was just a bit too quiet, so Russia had made the decision to lift America's head slightly.

Before he could do so, America jumped, and looked at Russia behind his glasses. He was definitely asleep before Russia could do anything.

"Sorry," Russia muttered, as he watched America go back into his original position, "No, America. If you need sleep, then sleep comfortably."

Russia wrapped one of his arms around America's shoulders, and pulled America closer so he leaned on Russia, America didn't protest. Instead, America huffed and leaned on Russia's chest further.

Silence infected the place. Russia was still wide awake, and America was fast asleep. Russia appreciated that America was truthful - much more truthful than his siblings. His father.

Russia's eyes wandered. When he began to look at the buildings across from the room they sat in, he had noticed only one important thing; a gun. A gun pressed up to one of the windows, pointed to Russia. Russia groaned, slightly annoyed, he didn't want to be shot. Not just yet.

Russia averted his gaze from the building across from them, looking down to America who rested on his chest, sleeping peacefully. Russia managed a smirk, rubbing America on the shoulder. America hadn't woken up - not yet.

But, these kind of things had never lasted.

A crash of glass, an echoing boom, and a hiss of pain from Russia. America's warmth suddenly left him, as he picked his head up, he saw he was on the sidewalk of a road.

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