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America licked his lips, an absence of water. He frowned at the awful feeling, shaking his head, he stood up.

Noticing his surroundings, America sighed, it was nothing but a small lake with a few stones surrounding it, trees leaning over the water. A small waterfall fed into the lake, only about a metre higher than America was.

America didn't worry much about Russia - he knew he'd show up eventually. In response, he knelt beside the lake, cupped his hands, and brought water to his mouth. God, it felt good. He felt as though he had more energy, and felt much more comfortable.

"America," An all to familiar Eastern European accent greeted him, "Do you want to die of disease?"

Turning around, meeting Russia's gaze, America pulled a cheeky smirk, "I mean, if it helps to get outta here, then sure."

Russia paused, then shrugged, and sat beside America. Russia did the same as America, drinking from the pool, making him grin.

"The water's cold, right?" America tried making small talk again, "I think it's like.. cold. I dunno. Something degrees Fahrenheit."

"Fahrenheit," Russia scoffed, "Celsius. Is Celsius. Counting makes things much easier. Fahrenheit is very.. difficult."

"Well, that's because you didn't grow up with it," America shrugged, looking down to his reflection in the water. Russia snickered, and stopped drinking for a moment.

"Did you?" Russia asked, genuinely wanting to know.

"N-no, but-"

"Yes, Fahrenheit is your thing then," Russia softened, "I guess that makes you have your own special quality, no?"

America smiled gently at how Russia turned the argument around. America nodded, feeling warm inside.

"Hey, uh," America dropped backwards a little bit, "Am I the only one getting homesick? I mean, I miss my parents. I know my dad is like.. really forceful and everything, but I miss my brothers. My sister.."

"Tell me about your family, America," Russia looked to him with a kind gaze, "You will want to see them much more, and when you finally do.. you will know to treasure them, yes?"

"Yeah," America nodded, moving forward and closer to Russia again, "Well, for starters, my dad, Great Britain, is like.. a tea addict. When I was younger, since he gave me so much tea, I just.. dumped it into the ocean. I didn't like tea. Still don't."

Russia chuckled.

"My mom, France, is like.. she owns a bakery, and she makes the best pastries and everything. Oh, she doesn't swear, but she just really screams the names of different types of breads, the most common is baguette.

"My siblings, god, they're annoying. My big brother, Canada, who is like.. a tiny bit shorter than you, he's probably the weirdest one in the household. He's completely innocent, but then I wouldn't call smothering ribs with maple syrup innocent.

"My younger brother, Australia.. holy crap, he keeps bringing spiders and crocodiles in the house. I don't mind it if he doesn't invite them into my room, but I know he chucks them in my sister's room because she's really scared of snakes and crocodiles and such.

"And, yeah, finally, my sister, New Zealand. She's the youngest, ten years old, and she has an unhealthy obsession over birds and cleanliness. And, like I said, she doesn't like creepy or scary animals. Especially spiders."

America finished. He looked up to Russia, who seemed to have been listening the whole time, surprisingly. Barely anyone at America's school would listen to him for that long. Once Russia realised America was done, he smiled and looked down to the water in front of him.

"Sounds like you have good relationship with family then," Russia figured, "My family teases me much of the time over tiny things. Like, when we were younger, my sister, Ukraine, made fun of me because I wanted to be famous scientist like father. That dream was scrapped.. quickly."

"Well, y'know what," America held his head up, "When we leave the simulation, you can come to my place! My room is huge, I can get a mattress or something out, and you could stay for as long as you wanted..."

America continued expressing his thoughts about what could, would, happen. Russia just looked down to him, his chest warm, and a slight smile had added to his expression.

"...And I know my sister would love to have you around! I mean, you're tall, and to her, climbable," America giggled, "At the moment I'm the second tallest in the family, I passed dad awhile back. She uses me and Canada as climbing frames."

"She sounds fun to have around," Russia smirked as he watched America scoop another handful of water from the pool. As America gulped it down, he nodded, which made him begin to cough, bending forward over the pool. He was choking.

Russia tried to help him before America stopped him, "We can't stay here forever," He had said through coughs and gags.

Eventually, America dropped back, and a new place made its appearance.

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