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America's eyes snapped open. The first thing he noticed, he was lying down, spread out, long grass around him. There was a slight gust of wind and the night's sky above him, he could hear the crashing of waves behind him.

He stood up with hesitation, he was at the edge of a cliff, there ocean crashing at jagged boulders below. He cringed at the sight of falling, then quickly turned around the the forest behind him. It was deep, dark, he knew he'd prefer to run through the forest over falling off the cliff. But he felt the urge to stay away.

Another gust of wind almost sent America off his feet, until.. the wind suddenly stopped. Nothing. Not a bird, a single rustle of the leaves... Nothing. At all. His eyebrows furrowed, if somebody controlled this.. why did they stop the wind?

America spun around then looked up - stars sparkled in the sky, the moon was bright. It was.. beautiful. Awe comforted America, a slight grin crept up onto his face. He somehow wondered why the person torturing him wanted to show him something this pretty, but brushed away the thought. It came back for him, unfortunately.

"Why?" America screamed at the sky to vent, "What are you to do? Are you here to put me through pain? Is this all meant to happen?"

No reply.

America chocked up a sob, he curled up on the dense grass. He didn't want this. He wanted to be back with his brothers, his sister, his parents, his friends, he wanted answers. Any answer.

After a short while, America shakily sighed, standing up with struggle. He knew what he had to do, he didn't want to though. But, he figured, if he wanted to make it out alive, he'd need to well.. die. Again. It sounded confusing, sure, but he thought this was the only way. He didn't think just waiting there would help him.

Nobody would come for him, so he needed to get up, he needed to rely on himself, even if this wasn't the right thing to do. He was in this blind, and now it was time to open his eyes. Though things were going to be blurry, everything would eventually clear up. He'd get out of this.

He'd win.

While cheering himself on after giving himself a pep talk, he turned to the edge of the cliff, every part of him screamed at him to not do it, but adrenaline pumped through his veins, and nothing could stop him.

America, instantly with regret, dived off of the cliff, out of reach from the side of it. He suddenly hit the water, he hissed in pain from the sudden impact. He sank down, deeper.. and deeper... Before he was too deep down to try and change his mind.

His breath ran out fast, his eyelids felt heavy. His lungs yearned for fresh air. He declined everything his body told him. Then it came. He woke up again.

25 Ways Of Dying (CountryHumans RusAme)Where stories live. Discover now