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America jumped up as soon as he woke, his eyes narrowed as he looked around the room he stood in. He was in a normal fairly modern house, with wooden seats and bookshelves around the room, a wood burner in the corner beside a desk with an old TV atop of it. He sat on a dark red carpet.

America's heart began to race when he remembered Russia, scrambling up, he searched the house. He tucked his glasses into the collar of his shirt, and ran about.

"America," A door opened beside America, Russia stood in it, rubbing his head, "I am here, you do not need to worry, yes?"

America didn't reply as he leaped forward and hugged Russia, Russia hesitantly wrapped an arm around America in return.

"Why are you suddenly like this?" Russia chuckled, lifting America's head, "You are suddenly so... Affectionate. I did not scare you that much, did I..? Did I?"

"Dude, I just wanted a hug," America replied, smirking, "And a hug from you is just as good as any, right?"

Russia laughed slowly, nervously, "But when you held my hand..?"

"Oh, yeah, that," America shrugged, humming, "Yeah, that wasn't intended to be 'best buddy o'pals' kinda thing. That was meant to be a little bit more important than that."

"Wha-" Russia paused, he just got what America was saying and shrunk down slightly, "You... You are interested in me?"

"Yeah, why not," America watched Russia question his life choices, "I mean I was tipping towards liking guys anyway."

"How are you so casual about this?" Russia exclaimed, with a face of confusion. America started to think that the feelings were only one way, his grin gradually turned to a frown.

America stepped back, and diverted his gaze to the floor, "Sorry," He quickly spat out. Shoving his hands in his pockets and placing his glasses in his forehead, he flicked his glasses over his eyes to hide his disappointment.

"I'll just.." America pulled a fake smile and tried standing straight as he walked back to the place he woke up.

Meanwhile, Russia stared at the space America just stood, blinked, and wondered what to do. He'd never been in this situation before - hell, nobody even liked him as a friend - and this was something he didn't know how to deal with.

"A-America, wait," Russia snapped out of his trance as he made it into the lounge. He froze as soon as he saw America sitting in the centre of the rug in the lounge, playing around with a box of matches he'd found beside the fireplace.

"I just wanna go home," America began to sob, "I wanna see my stepbrother again, and my little sister.. I hate it here. I don't know what I'm saying, I just want.. comfort, I guess. Sorry for confusing you a few minutes ago about.. everything."

"America-" Russia was cut off when America threw a lit match onto the floor, the carpet setting ablaze. Before long America was nothing but a silhouette standing there, Russia tried fighting the flames and keeping himself from passing out.

That was when he saw America drop. Russia suddenly inhaled clean air - he was... Oh, oh god.

Not this place again.

25 Ways Of Dying (CountryHumans RusAme)Where stories live. Discover now