Heart Attack

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America deeply sighed, his eyes still closed. When would this torture end? Sure, Russia said that this experiment failed, and America was only meant to see some of the places Russia went.. America couldn't classify this as anything else but torture. Hell.

"Russia.." America murmured as his eyes snapped open. He sat up, his eyes immediately met the sky - the sun was setting. And it was beautiful. Goldens and oranges and pinks washed over hundreds of trees in front of him, a gentle breeze blew through the place. He sat on the side of a bare hill, only with a single willow tree at the top of it. Otherwise, forest surrounded him, no sign of civilization.

"America," Came a voice from behind him, "Are you okay?"

America turned around - the first time he'd clearly been able to see Russia in the projections. He looked... Different, if anything. Stronger. America quickly broke eye contact, feeling flustered for whatever reason, and looked back to the sunset.

"I-I'm fine," America stuttered as Russia lowered himself down, sitting beside America at an acceptable distance, "It's warmer here, that's for sure."

"Good," Russia acknowledged, "I think I know what this one will be. I remember when I was here with my sisters, my youngest sister, Belarus, had a heart attack. She is fine now, though."

"Huh," America leaned forward, resting his head on his knees and pushed his sunglasses up, "So I'll die of a heart attack then. Not as bad though.."

"I guess it is not," Russia agreed, and paused. He soon began to speak again, "You will not make eye contact with me. Is something wrong?"

"I-uh.." America went silent for a moment, "J-just looking at the sun.. set..?"

"Hm," Russia hummed, "That is not it. You are very bad liar. It is me, isn't it?"

America didn't respond. Russia broke into a series of chuckles and laughs, he knew he was right. He knew, somehow, he looked different here. And he knew, somehow, America wasn't exactly straight. Which worried him to a certain extent.

"Shut up.." America requested, looking away, "You just look.. uhm.. ho-hotter than Philippines? That's it.. you're still a huge bastard, you know."

"I get it," Russia grinned, he looked down to America, "I guess it is my turn to give a compliment back, then? How about.. let me think.."

America held his breath, still watching the sun set through his glasses. It was nearly in the ground.

"..You're cuter than many of the shorter countries out there," Russia finally came up with. America buried his head in his knees, trying to hide his face from what Russia had just said, Russia sighed and looked away.

The last of the sun sunk below the land, America suddenly jolted back - he clutched onto the area of his chest around his heart, he hissed in pain. Russia seemed taken aback, he was about to reach out for America..

..but he was too late.

Here we go again.

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