Eaten Alive

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America felt himself alive. He didn't want to get up, but he knew that he had to. Recalling what happened just before, he remembered Russia. Oh, god, Russia. America shivered at the thought of him, with that grin, how calm he was.. America wouldn't forget that.

"A-America..?" Someone called. America sighed and shook his head. That was Russia trying to find him. Probably to kill him again. He knew better than that, though; he wouldn't give way his location that easily. 

He sat still in the autumn leaves under him, pressing his back against a tree. The forest around him was warm, orange and brown leaves glided down. He could barely see the sky through the trees, only small glimpses of blue. 

"America?" Russia came closer. America felt dread, he really sounded desperate. "America.. there you are.." Russia sighed with relief. He stepped closer and America flinched, his eyes still directed to the ground.

Russia's shoulders dropped, he shuffled to America and sat beside him. America didn't speak. Russia had probably felt the most guilt at this moment.

"America, I am sorry-" Before Russia could finish, America turned around and pulled him into a hug, faster than Russia had seen someone move. America's breath was uneven, Russia patted him on the back. America seemed to keep himself from crying - Russia groaned and rolled his eyes. He hugged America back, and spoke; "You are allowed to scream," He started, "You are allowed to cry. But please, do not just give up because of me."

America clutched onto Russia tighter, sobbing. Russia felt bad for the American, but couldn't help but think America probably wasn't straight. Hell, he was proving that at that moment. Either that, or America was desperate for attention. Once they were out of the projection, America was probably going to move on anyway. Russia could and would be alone for quite awhile longer, he didn't mind - He was used to it.

"I don't wanna.." America sniffled, "I don't wanna keep dying.. I'm gonna die soon.. a-again.. I don't wanna-"

A rustling in the bushes and a series of growls interrupted him. America froze, and pulled away from Russia. He pushed his glasses up, watching six hungry wolves emerge. Russia scoffed.

"This again?" He growled, displeased, "I have been here before, Papa fought all of the wolves off. It was not nice to watch their limbs being torn off, to be honest."

America cringed, shuffling closer to Russia as they neared. He was scared, and Russia seemed like he knew what he was doing - therefore, him almost hiding behind the Russian.

One of the wolves charged at Russia, before it could bite him, Russia punched it in the nose. It whimpered and scrambled away, only causing more wolves to appear. Russia cursed under his breath, standing up. America did the same, clutching onto Russia's arm. A wolf snuck up to them, suddenly lashing out, grabbing hold of Russia's leg. Russia cried out in pain, America jumped because of the sudden noise.

"Are you alright, Russia?" America asked frantically, "You don't need to-"

"I am taking this one," Russia snarled in a deep and quiet tone, "It's not your turn."

America was about to object, when a flash of red covered his vision - Russia was on the ground, his whole arm had disappeared into a wolves' jaws. Russia squirmed a little bit before going limp, America covered his mouth. He wanted to vomit. Before he could..

He blinked. 

And he was in a new place.

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