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America blinked, and just stood there. He was in the middle of a large paddock, with nothing but a fence keeping him from getting to the forest beyond.

America didn't see Russia anywhere; on one hand, he was glad Russia was elsewhere, he didn't want to put up with Russia trying to reassure him all the time about leaving soon, when they weren't going to.

On the other hand, however, he wanted Russia so badly. Russia had tried making America feel better, he tried to give America space. Russia would listen to him and his long stories when nobody else would.

America just stood there, feeling conflicted, unsure of whether he should've been looking for Russia or not.

"I'm stupid," America growled as he covered his face in his hands loosely, "What am I doing?"

America walked in circles, his mind racing - maybe he should just wait it out, get to the next simulation? America groaned into his hands and stopped moving about, huffing, and dropping his arms.

He knew Russia would be fine. He'd wait this one out. Anyway, Russia was out of sight, he could've been anywhere at that point.


Russia waded through a marsh, desperate to find America. He could've sworn he'd seen a field of some sorts, and that's where he went. He needed to make sure America was okay, he couldn't let him give up.

"America!" Russia shouted, "America, please! Where are you?"

No reply.

Russia slowed down and huffed, wondering why he was still searching. No, it was for America. He wanted to keep America company. He needed to make sure America was okay. He would've said it was his duty, but thought that was going too far.

Russia looked to either side of himself, to the forest and bush that surrounded him. Then he looked forward to a paddock in the distance, swallowing down his exhaustion. Russia straightened and began to wade through the marsh again, motivating himself by knowing America was on the other side.

He needed to win this argument, too.

"America!" He tried to call again, getting no response one more. Russia groaned and threw his head back as he walked, he knew it'd be amazing to just.. fall asleep. America had had a short nap, he had caught up on a tiny bit of sleep - Russia, however, had not.

Once he was beside the edge of the paddock, he climbed out of it and shook his shoes from any remaining water, observing his environment while he did so; Russia could've sworn he just saw a flash of deep blue.

From there, Russia began to stride towards where he saw the blue. The grass in the paddock brushed past his knees, but was it a better feeling than getting his jeans and shoes wet in the marshes? Definitely. 

"America.." Russia called, loosing some hope. But that hope came flooding back to him as he saw a familiar red white and blue face look up at him, peeking through the long grass behind a pair of dark sunglasses. Russia grinned, as he picked up his pace.

"Wait, Russ-"

Before Russia could get to America, there was an explosion where he stood. It knocked America down into the grass behind him, squeezing his eyes shut.

Only to open them to a new place.

25 Ways Of Dying (CountryHumans RusAme)Where stories live. Discover now