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America shivered as he woke, he could've sworn he would be wet from the ocean - yet, he was stone dry. And nearly in the clouds. He clung onto a tall silver pole, the wind was back, and it whistled beside him. Thunder rumbled in the clouds above him, he could only begin to imagine how he'd die now.

America looked down against his will not to, his eyes widening; there, was a city, lights illuminating everything. Cars glowed from the roads. Billboards flashing with bright reds and pinks and blues. It was simply gorgeous. Though the rain began to hammer down and America felt as though he was slipping, he ignored it, he still gazed at the city with wide eyes.

He was certain; Russia, or whoever was doing this 'experiment', definitely tried showing him something.

America's brows furrowed as he noticed nobody but one person walked down the streets, even this person wasn't walking. He stood outside a quiet building, staring up at.. America? Who was that? Why did they only watch America? Were they apart of the experiment?

America tried waving to them, keeping his balance, they seemed to freeze in place. They began to pace around in circles as another rumble of thunder drummed in the sky, they seemed to be having an internal conflict. Then, they stopped.

America held his breath, until he noticed they were trying to shout something at America. America shook his head, his heart down in his stomach, he couldn't hear then through the rain. He was so desperate to hear them, but despite everything, he couldn't.

They gave up and looked to the sky, them looked back to America. They pointed up, America nodded hastily. He didn't understand, but hopefully they were around next time to tell him. Hopefully.

Suddenly, a flash of light.

Something hit America's back.

His heart lurched from his chest.

And he fell backwards with no instruction of his body.

Hell, he'd just been struck by lightning, hadn't he?

That was, America had to admit, was a fricking awesome way to die.

25 Ways Of Dying (CountryHumans RusAme)Where stories live. Discover now