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America's brows furrowed; he had no idea how this place could be deadly in any way. He sat amongst a field of golden wheat, gently blowing in the wind. There was nothing beyond the field, it seemed to just go on forever.

America held his head and groaned, every bone in his body hurt at that point. But, he knew things did start to feel better for some reason - a strange feeling in his gut reassured him things would be fine.

America looked down; Russia was there, lying down in the grass, fast asleep. America couldn't help but to grin, he knew Russia deserved every moment of sleep. America had probably tired him so much he was incredibly exhausted, after all.

America brought his knees up to his chest and wrapped his arms around his legs, his glasses rested loosely over his eyes. America was tired as well, sure, but he wanted to be there for when Russia woke up.

A gust of wind blew through the place, making the illusion of golden waves through the wheat. America looked up to the blue sky, the few clouds barely moved. America closed his eyes and enjoyed the peacefulness, still unsure of what would be killing him now. If something would kill him.

It wasn't long before Russia groaned as he sat up, his eyes still closed. He repositioned his ushanka as he slowly blinked himself awake, he took notice of his environment as America had done earlier. Then, he looked down to America, and smirked with a kind expression.

"This is nice place," Russia chuckled, placing his hand on America's, "For once, I can not remember this place."

"Yeah, me neither," America leaned against Russia's shoulder, "Maybe this is a place you've visited when you were really young? Like, you can't remember it, but it's still kinda in there?"

"Very possibly," Russia nodded, agreeing with America, "Either that, or this is like default place. I do not know any place that would look like this."

"Yeah, because this is totally a video game," America said with sarcasm, causing Russia to smirk the slightest bit. America couldn't help but feel proud of himself for doing so.

Another gust of wind blew through the place, America looked to the blue sky and watched the clouds pass over them again.

"So," America huffed, "What now? Are we gonna like, wait for something to happen? I dunno what to do."

"Honestly, I am unsure," Russia shook his head as he spoke, "What do you think you are going to do when you leave the simulation?"

America hesitated, before he began to speak again, "I dunno. I wanna introduce you to my family, I know that. My friend, Philippines, I wouldn't be surprised if he's worrying over me. He's that kinda country, he's really emotional sometimes.

"I gotta make sure my other friends, Germany and Poland, are fine as well. I swear, if they don't - officially - get together soon, I'm gonna beat the hell outta someone. Probably a punching bag, but y'know.

"I know I'm gonna have to make an excuse of where I went. I think I'm gonna say that we both got outta there and got lost or something, that's probably gotta be the best thing to say," America exhaled, placing his glasses on his forehead and rubbing his eyes.

"It has been chaos, I agree," Russia rubbed America's back, "If you ask me, we both need to go home and sleep after this ordeal is over. That sounds very good right now, no?"

"God, that sounds great," America chuckled with a light smile across his face, "Uninterrupted sleep would be awesome. Not gonna lie."

Russia didn't reply. America looked up to Russia from the corner of his eye, and tilted his head.

"What're you thinking 'bout?" America asked, holding Russia's hand. Russia sighed.

"My father will probably want to move again," Russia's frown grew wider, "He will try to take me and my siblings. I do not want to go."

America squeezed Russia's hand, "You don't need to? You could reason with him? I-I mean, you could tell him that you wanna stay, that you wanna be indepent?"

"I am not sure what will happen," Russia stared at the ground, "Whatever happens happens. I will try stay here, yes?"

America nodded uneasily. He didn't nessesarily want Russia to go - hell, he didn't want him to go. At all. He wanted to have Russia stay for longer. Even if it was only a little bit longer...

"We will work it out. It will be fine," Russia gave America a reassuring smile. A grin tugged at America's lips, before he frowned and looked to the ground.

"Oh, come here," Russia muttered quickly, taking America's chin and pulling him in to kiss him. America caught up with what was happening, and gently kissed Russia back. Once they pulled away, Russia placed a hand on America's cheek, their foreheads touched.

"Don't go," America shivered, he seemed as though he was about to start crying, "I don't.. I don't wanna see you go... Please.."

"Is okay," Russia tried smiling. He tried reassuring America with short, soothing sentences, he knew that America was tired - he was emotional.

After a short while, when everything had calmed down, Russia looked down to America, his eyes half closed and his eyes glazed over with a clear sheet.

Russia picked America up, America didn't bother to fight back. Russia placed America in his lap, sheltering him from the gusts of wind. America leaned against Russia's chest, and drifted off to sleep.

Russia smirked. He looked to the field all around him, the golden wheat moving back and forth with the wind. The clouds drifted by, as the wind calmed down. Russia rested his head on America's, and closed his eyes.

As they both rested, they barely noticed the world around them shifting. Barely noticing the other's warmth leaving.

They barely noticed the golden fields fading into darkness.

25 Ways Of Dying (CountryHumans RusAme)Where stories live. Discover now