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Once America had woken up, he huffed, and sat down against a tree that was behind him. He was in some sort of forest, it was dark browns and dense greens, with rays of light shining through the gaps of leaves.

America didn't want to do this, still - he was tired, wanted to go home, he wanted to see his friends again. His family.

America groaned and covered his face with his hands, rubbing his eyes and pushing his glasses to his forehead.

"Are you any better yet?" A familiar someone came to sit down beside America, "Have you realised that I like you, not because of your courage yet? Have you reassured yourself that we will get out of simulation yet?"

"Jesus Christ," America muttered under his breath, "Of course not. And face it, anyone else would've been better than me."

"I will not admit it," Russia grumbled, "Because it's not true. People do not like me, if you have not noticed."

"Yeah, yeah," America trailed off, curling into a ball and burying his face in his knees. Russia sighed and rubbed America on the back, hoping to help America realise that he cared for him for everything America did, not for some personality traits that could've easily disappeared. That did disappear.

"Fine, I will admit it," Russia shrugged, making America look up at him slightly, "I am scared too. Okay, so what if we do not make it out soon? You think that will make me look at you and think of you as any less of the country that actually accepted me?"

America muttered something under his breath and turned back down, Russia thought America really did want him to say that he didn't like him. Why? Probably for satisfaction - America came off as the type of person to want to get everything right.

"What about the beautiful places?" Russia continued, "What about the places we actually liked.. before we died, but places we liked? You will not forget them, yes? How about you think about those places?"

"What, you're asking me to remember the whole space thing," America growled, "Yeah, we suffocated. And it hurt. Oh, let me think. When we were sitting on the scaffolding, watching the city. I know it was purposeful, but having a huge metal pole go right through your spine and your stomach is really not fun, don't know if you noticed.

"How bout the fireworks? Sure, they were pretty, but guess what? We exploded because of one. That, might I say, really hurt. Do I need to keep going to prove my point?"

Russia shook his head. He didn't speak. America felt guilt rise in his stomach, but didn't apologise - he was right. He was. And Russia knew that.

While the both of them sat in silence, a deep green snake slithered from a bush. It watched America's slow movements, and almost as though it was hypnotised for a second, it sprung forward, and but America on the ankle before letting go and retreating.

America hissed with pain and held his wound, cursing under his breath. Russia watched America from the corner of his eye, watching America grow weaker.. and weaker.

Then America fell.

And a new place filled his vision once again.

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