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America stood there, he blinked; He stood on the edge of a tall building, looking down onto a lit up city at nighttime, the rain poured down on him. It was, to say the least, quite a beautiful sight. 

America didn't move from the edge of the building - the urge told him not to. It told him the opposite; it told him to jump. Resisting the urge at that moment, he looked to his left. Russia stood there too. He had a defeated look on his face.

"What's bugging ya?" America tried asking casually, but came off as genuinely concerned. He mentally facepalmed at that instance.

"Nothing works," Russia shrugged, "I have tried to persuade you that we will escape soon. I can not even persuade myself. And even in the last simulation, it seemed like it wanted to keep us.. apart. I could not reach you. What was I meant to do?"

America reached out to Russia and took his shoulder gently, as he shuffled closer to him. America was well aware of the edge of the building.

"You don't need to keep trying to tell me that we're not gonna escape for awhile," America chuckled, trying his best to grin, "I've accepted it. It's okay, Russia."

"Yes, but what about me?" Russia frowned, "I am scared. I am so, so afraid we will not make it out of here. 'Father is a mad scientist', 'Father can not risk keeping his own son in here', I can not even back up my own statements. I do not even think father cares-"

"He does," America spoke more gently, calmer, "He'll get us outta here. I mean, didn't you say that each time we died in a simulation, our body kills itself in the way the simulation killed us? If so, then people are still keeping us alive, Russia. Your dad cares, okay?"

With teary eyes, Russia hesitantly nodded to what America had said. Then, wiping a tear away, he smirked.

"I guess the roles have switched," Russia laughed through his tears, "You are the one reassuring me now."

"It's the best I can do," America gave Russia a caring, genuine smile of his own. Russia looked down to him, his face heated up, until he quickly looked away. America noticed, and snickered. 

"Shut up," Russia grumbled, playfully punching America in the shoulder. America laughed even more, getting louder. Russia couldn't help but to smile too, flicking his gaze down to America once again. "I said shut up."

America didn't respond; Russia scoffed, taking America's face by his chin, and kissing him. America stopped laughing, his expression turned to one of confusion and shock. Once America had caught up with what was happening, he kissed Russia back, wrapping his arms around Russia's neck.

"What was that for?" America giggled after they pulled away, their faces still close.

"You would not shut up," Russia remarked, smirking.

"God, I love your accent so much," America kissed Russia again, the second time was longer; more passionate. But, Russia stopped America from going any further, reminding him of where they were.

"We are still yet to die," Russia chuckled, America seemed disappointed, "And we both know how this one will end, no?"

America nodded, looking to the streets and roads below. He shivered, and buried his face in Russia's chest. Russia rubbed America's back, and sighed.

"I will take this one then," Russia shrugged, trying to pry America from him. America shook his head.

"I'm doing it," America was about to start an argument, and Russia saw that. He saw the next simulations becoming hell because of this argument they were about to have. 

Suddenly, Russia grabbed America by the waist and pulled him closer, then falling backwards off the building. America gave a quick shriek.

"This will never be resolved," Russia yelled through the gushing wind, "We both argue about who will die, we both die. Done."

America let out a choked laugh, before holding on tight to Russia, finally hitting the ground.

And finally, America blinked slowly, to a brand new place.

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