Chapter 16

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1 word to describe the dining hall: HUGE!

There's two long tables, consisting of 35 seats...not really needed anymore, as a couple servants take out 6 of the remaining ones as we sit.

In front of me sat Allissa Youngsley from Hansport. She has rich chocolatey brown skin, black hair done in low curls to the small of her back, and a long silky black dress with glistening gems coating the upper layer.

A jolt and the door opens, and the royal family enters.
King Everette steps back, allowing Queen Hero in first, her youthful smile enriching the room.

We all stand, and curtsy.
"Oh please sit, we mustn't need that. Your probably all exhausted from Cornelia working y'all up this morning." She smirks with a giggle, as Cornelia just continues to curtsy with a quick smile.

After the King and Queen sit, with their hands still laced together, Princess Aria comes in, her brunette hair tossing in the undiscoverable wind.
Rumors have said that when she went on the foreign retreat to help with the education programs, she met a prince, who she in fact grew on. Some say, they might get married, but to us who is still the question. Believing that even though she's the heir, that she probably will be the queen to another country; leaving Prince Augustus still highly available to be the King.

Then marching in behind her, was Prince Augustus, holding his younger sister, Princess Alexandrea, in his arms. She's soon to turn 6 months old, but until then, he's the highlight of Illéa

"Now, let's feast!"

The food was far better than expected. My favorite had to be the Chocolate Hazelnut Cream that you spread on a piece of nicely warmed bread- perfection.

The only thing disgusting about the meal was the fact that my family- Aunt Francine majority- was fighting for her hunger...

I take another concealed bit of the bread, with a crunch, as I laugh at Allissa's jokes about back at her home in Hansport, and her issues as a 5.

"Well, I'm really talented at the piano...and well, a bunch of instruments."
Not modest, but also not a bad thing.
"My mom is my life. Without her, I wouldn't be here. Literally and physically." She jokes again.

All of the room is full of chatting and chewing, giggles and deep conversations, and it's all interrupted in one second.

The doors are thrusted open, and the guards stand in the door way.

"Hello, Feldspar...anything wrong?" King Everette asks, wiping his mouth with the cloth.

"No sir. We just need to speak to Lady Delilah for a moment."

The next few seconds are full of confusion, as everyone looks for where I'm sitting, and eventually all eyes are on me.

"Son, do you know which is Lady-"
but Prince Augustus nods in interruption, smirking right at me.

"Lady Delilah, I'm assuming they'd appreciate your acquaintance for a moment."
Says Prince Augustus, his eyes crinkling from his evil smile. Does he suspect me, a bad person? Maybe he would believe that, and it just might be true in different situations.

I stand up, and I walk around the table and curtsy real quick before they shut the door behind me.

I'm left alone in the hall with two guards, and Marvel.
"Marvel? How have you been?"
I ask genuinely.

"Oh I'm doing swell, and I see they fixed you up quiet a bit."
He nods towards the stylists product of me.

"So, why are you here?" I ask, my fingers flicking each other in anxiety.

"In a meeting, after a couple of persuading, the King agreed. You are officially a six, or a three considering your a selected. Your Aunt Francine will be contacted in the morning, so if you'd like to write her something personal well take it up at noon. Your father is already aware as he and your step mother, witnessed the scene of the guards cleaning out your belongings from the home. They will be placed in your Aunts home tomorrow. Also, I need you to sign this lease saying that you will not be able to be a two, unless through marriage if you do NOT marry Prince Augustus."
I quickly sign my signature on the little line, and quickly give him a hug.

"Thank much." I cry into his shoulder. I jump back quickly remembering the etiquette lessons, and I embarrassingly curtsy, "sorry."

"Don't apologize, dear. You had a good reason. I wish you the best, in whichever choices and decisions come your way..."
so do you like it?
I'm glad how this turned out, but later you'll see this outcome didn't turn out good for the Khrokers.😉
Also I wanted to point out that the character Allissa Youngsley was dedicated to my friend who loves this story, so there ya go!😊
Also, remember to go check out the amazing story "The Chosen" By: @Toribella999
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