Chapter 30

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My hair flows in the dark wind of the night, as I stand on the balcony of my suite.
I turn my head only enough that I can see the outline of Patsy trudging forward, with a note in her hand.
"The Prince has decided the date for your evening together. He said meet him in the gardens at two, tomorrow in the afternoon."
I nod, understanding, but my eyes still haven't left the fiery red head sitting on a bench in the gardens.
"Thanks Patsy..." I turn my body away from the gardens and tie the knot on my long white robe.
"...I think I'm going to go to the gardens. I need some fresh air."
She places the note on the table, "but Miss, all the air you need is right beyond those balcony doors."
I shake my head, placing my hand on the knob, "Not air, but realization. I'll be back in a few."
She nods, as if not wanting to let me go, but understanding why she has too.
"Lady Delilah, I can't let you leave." Officer Feldspar says stationary, not bothering to look at me.
"There's a girl in the gardens."
Instead of tensing up at the thought of a possible rebel, he just mutters,
"I know- I mean...then go on, and come back."
I shake off his odd attitude, and I rush down the staircase, and out of the palace doors.

The stone path of the garden, sends chilling stings threw my feet, as I tiptoe my way threw the vague and shadow nightly garden.
I haven't been here sense my date with Augustus, so the memories are painful, but replaced with relaxation at the thought of our date tomorrow.
Then I see her.
Her long red hair forces itself with the wind backwards, flowing down her back in a straight manner.
"Hello." Charleston says, noticing my presence. Though she doesn't turn her head and acknowledge me.
"Hey." I say back, a bit louder as I balance myself around the bench and to the fountain in front of her, where my bottom finds the perimeter of the gypsum like substance.
We sit for moments in silence, where all you can here is the crickets in the grass, and drops of water from the flowing fountain.
"Charleston," I break the ice, "your cousin dying was a terrible mistake. He was a great man, I'm sure of it. I know it's my fault-" in that moment, she begins and looks up to tears flowing down her pale face.
"It's not your fault. You was shocked. You couldn't move. The man who pulled the trigger killed him. You was just a witness. I'd just like to apologize, for being such a terrible friend."
I shake my head, "Charleston, you never was my friend. You was my best friend. You don't have to apologize. Women are naturally crazy and moody."
At this she sobs, throwing her head into her hands, "I'm just been going threw so much."
I jump forward, instantly putting her under my protection patting her dearly, "It's okay, there's always going to be a death."
I hear the patting of footsteps as an elderly guard approaches, "Ladies, curfew is about to be reached. We need you both in the castle for sleep."
I nod at him, sending him back into the palace as I look at Charleston for her last words,
"It's not about the death."
I whisper in a reply, "What do you mean?"
She swallows, "I can't tell you. I love you, Delilah, but I just can't tell you. My life is in that sentence and it's just to precious to be in your clumsy hands."
With that, she rushes threw the garden and back into the palace with me clueless of to what's so wrong with her.

That night I can barely sleep at the fact something harming Charleston. Whatever it would be, would be safe with me, but she just can't seem to take it how I would. If she's got cancer or a malady, I'd hire someone for her. If it's something worse then that, then I don't know what's capable of happening to my best friend.
I just had to fix their friendship. It was killing me! Lol, but besides that....
WE HAVE 20K READSSSS! I'm so blessed for you guys, and ily all!
Plus, you can start asking me questions because there's only 2 more chapters until Part 2 of The Daughter Of Illéa!
I'm also doing another contest, so stay tuned for that!
QOTC: How many siblings to you have, or are you an only child?
I have an older brother, Phillip.
I have an older sister, Lacey.
I have an older sister, Chelsea.
I have a younger step-sister, Katie.
I have a younger step-brother, Ethan.
I have a younger sister, McKenna.
And my moms pregnant. Yay me.
Vote & Comment!!!😊

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