Chapter 57

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The next few days were bombarded! For starters, the two story haunted house of Clermont was sold. It turns out Maria sold it so she could not bail herself out, but minimize her time. The only bad news about that, was that dad would've had to loose his job as a he was a six, just because I opened my big mouth about Maria. Though it wasn't as bad as it seemed. He used the money I supplied him through out the selection, and bought us our own home. It's a nice shade of yellow with white shudders and a chimney and all! When I arrived he had photos of me as a child resting on the mantel, and a huge room consisting of my things...there was even framed fan art and autographs from celebrities lining the walls. Not even to mention the best part yet...across the hall was my aunt, as my father took her into this fresh environment as well. The only one who took major adapting was Wanda. The place smelt like fresh paint- strong and nauseating- and she wasn't used to the lack of commands.

I was enjoying my home. My fiery aunt with the attitude like a wild protective banchi, and a father whose finally realized the things in front of him besides the goochie shades and luxurious vehicles. We were a family.
"So, what's your project again?" Aunt Francine breaks the ice. Before that all you could hear were the clanking of metal utensils and the unnecessary sounds of chewing and smacking.
"We have to introduce the true us...we have to show our families, and our life...tell our stories." I say between chews of steak. "That's interesting..." Tyler says. I never really took much in from Aunt Francine's husband. He has strayed brown hair with a pointed jaw line. Even the unshaven edges of hair on his face where beginning to look organized, mocking the surroundings.
"So, Wanda, tell us about yourself..." Dad says, as he bites his biscuit. Without the attire and bonnet, Wanda is astonishing. Her skin is gorgeous and light- or as light as dark skin can get. Her eyes are a deep mesmerizing hazel, and her hair makes her appear so much bolder when its down... Wanda's a human just like the rest of us. She modestly objects,
"I'm afraid l shouldn't..."
"Oh, come on!" Aunt Francine edges and after minutes of dealing with my impatient family members, she breaks.
"Fine...I grew up in Honduragua. My mother died during birth, and my father was distributed to a slave county on the east coast..." She takes a breath. "...I was 19 years old, having to mother my two younger sisters. One was 8 and the other was 16." She smiles brightly and looks at me, as she traces my fingers. "Her name was Delilah..." I'd swear I saw a light tear glide down her cheek, but whatever happened she wiped it away to quick. "They died somewhat years ago from a rebel I transferred to the palace." She speaks with such breathless humanity and reality. She's gone threw things only the strongest have survived through...and I admire her for that. "When the selection rolled around, I was so excited to see a 16 year old Delilah, so I decision I made in my life." Her cheeks fluster pink as my dad consoles her with a tight embrace. I smile broadly, at the information I just learnt. The past of a woman I've grown close to, but never ached to learn about. I'm glad I brought her to Atlin, so she can experience life like it always was before the selection or the palace in general.

To break the silence, I swallow my last bite of steak and I stand.
"So, whose ready to start shooting?"
Hey Guys! This chapter isn't much, but it leads up to great things!
QOTC: What do you think of Wanda?
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