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 ~ represents small time skips

||| represents an entire scene change

"Wait, wait, wait..." he inhales heavily "You're telling me, that the entire article and all of the pictures taken from ISAC have just disappeared from the archive? We have NOTHING?!" 

Dahyun nods slowly, clutching onto her notebook tightly "I'm s-sorry sir. I was going to b-back up the hardrive first thing this m-morning but the computer crashed before I c-could do it" 

"WE HAVE MILLIONS OF DOLLARS, IT TAKES NOTHING TO REPLACE A COMPUTER. WHY WOULD YOU WAIT UNTIL IT WAS SO OVERLOADED WITH VIRUSES THAT IT CRASHES, CAUSING YOU TO LOSE MONTHS AND MONTHS OF DATA?!" Taehyung's voice is booming and Dahyun slowly backs away..she's been doing so well since she started working here. Hasn't made a single mistake until now. 

"I-I didn't realize h-how bad it was.. I-" 

"Save it. Get out of my office. I now have an EIGHT PAGE SPREAD in next weeks issue, that was dedicated to ISAC that I now have no content for." he pinches his brows and uses his free hand to wave her out. 


"Day? Oh God! Don't tell me it was you he was screaming at?!" Jimin strides over to the girl who is sobbing quietly in the staff room 

"I-I didn't mean to lose everything" she chokes out and Jimin rolls his eyes 

"Shh, hey, you've been here for 8 months right? You've seen Tae yell at dozens of people. It's not personal Day. I promise and if I'm being honest, you're one of the greatest reporters we've had in years. Don't worry about it, okay?" he smiles, reaching up to wipe her tears "Besides, if he didn't want to keep you around, you would've been fired immediately for a fuck up like this" he winks and she chuckles a little 

"Y-yeah I guess you're right.. thank you Jimin-ssi." 

He just shakes his head "No worries, I guess I need to go play some damage control huh?" he gives her a last comforting hug before he makes his way towards Taehyung's office. Making a phone call to a certain Min Yoongi while he's at it. 

"Jimin-ah, what's going on?" 

"Are you in the office?" 

"Ahh, no I'm not. I'm off today, what's up?" 

"Taehyung just screamed at Dahyun.. she lost all of the ISAC content." he sighed and Yoongi's bitter laughter fills the speaker 

"Holy shit, she lost ISAC content and didn't lose her head? Good for her. Just order his usual from the cafe down the street, he'll get over it." Yoongi pauses waiting for Jimin to speak but continues anyway "You handle him well, Jimin..but just know this is a rough month for him." 

Jimin pauses to think and whenever he realizes it's August he sighs..."Damn, I almost forgot. Thanks for the reminder hyung. Definitely gonna go get him a double order of his favorite hot chocolate." he sighs and Yoongi laughs 

"That's probably exactly what his crabby ass needs right now. Call me if you need anything, okay?"

"Thanks hyung. Enjoy your day off" 


Taehyung's been pacing back and forth since Dahyung left his office. How the hell is he supposed to come up with enough content to fill 8 pages? Not to mention how many people will be buying the magazine just for the ISAC coverage of their favorite IDOLS. There's a small part of him that feels bad, really, Dahyun is a sweet girl...he didn't mean to scream at her but fuck how hard is it to have competent employees?! 

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