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Taehyung is on edge, even more so than usual. 

The new issue of BB releases Wednesday and Jimin still hasn't sent him to new spread for the ISAC pages. 

That new tabloid that is trying to deteriorate the Bangtan Bomb's reputation just put out another spread, two whole fucking pages, that advertise an "insider interview" with a former reporter. Taehyung is terrified to know what is going to be spewed into the shit of an article. 

but to top it all off. He's going to see Jungkook today. 

Jungkook, his new assistant, Jungkook.
Jungkook, with cute bunny teeth and round glasses, Jungkook.
Jungkook, who was grinding up against his ass ,Jungkook.
Jungkook, who Taehyung wants to fuck, Jungkook. 
Jungkook, who Taehyung can't pursue, Jungkook. 

It's a bit embarrassing, if he's honest. How much he's thought about the man since they met last week. Taehyung has never been one to be smitten so fast, but for some reason he can't help it. He feels drawn to Jungkook and desperately wants to explore it...but they work together and he's always been firm about no workplace relationships. 

At first he figured he'd just fire him but that probably isn't the best way to start the conversation, "hey, sorry but you're fired. Now that that's done, go to dinner with me?" he groans at his own struggles and just then he hears a light knock on the door and in comes Dahyun, looking absolutely mortified. 

"What's up, Day?" he asks, voice softer than he normally uses with her...he still feels bad. 

"Um.. sir.. there seems to be a problem with the archive..." she breathes out and Taehyung feels his heart rate increase immediately and his teeth clench. 

"What kind of problem? Get to it. Don't beat around the bush." his tone is firm and Dahyun sighs heavily 

"Jiminie asked his new employee to pull some files from the interview with Park Bogum and the guy accidentally somehow deleted all of the files from that weeks archive..." 

The anger is evident on Taehyung's face as he clenches his fist so tight his knuckles are white. "Send. Him. In." he seethes and Dahyun nods before running to get the employee in question. 

and Taehyung? he's really starting to get sick of Jimin and his new employees. First he sends in one that is surely the devil-incarnate sent here specifically to ruin his life and wreck his heart...and now this other guy, whom he hasn't met yet, is here to ruin his magazine apparently. 

When did I give Jimin authority to hire people anyway?! He thinks to himself in anger whenever the door opens and he hasn't even lifted his head before he immediately begins to shout 

"Do you normally make giant fuck ups when you first start a new job?!" his voice booms but falters the moment he looks up and sees none other than Jeon Jungkook staring right at him with wide eyes. 

"J-Jungkook?!" he shouts puzzled and the other strides right in front of Taehyung's face with his arms crossed 

"Look, I'm sorry for deleting the files it was an honest mistake but I've already recovered them from the recycle bin so it's alright. I'm sorry" he spoke out and Taehyung's mouth gapes "is that really how you talk to the employees here? Yikes." he spoke out before turning to walk away 

"Um.. I-I.." Taehyung coughs "I have high standards here, that's how we maintain our status. Thank you for recovering the files.. but um.. aren't you supposed to be acting as my assistant today? Why are you doing an errand for Jimin?" he asks and Jungkook halts his footsteps to turn around with a smirk 

"Jimin just had me doing a task while I waited for your coffee order to be delivered" he glances at his watch with a smile before looking back up "which it will be any minute so I'll see you soon, Mr. Kim" he winks and strides out of the door. 

Coffees and Confessions - Taekook FanficWhere stories live. Discover now