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"Hyung—" he coughs, Jungkook scrambles from the place where he was seated on Taehyung's desk quickly.

Seokjin does his best to ignore the obvious disheveled appearance of the two, really but Taehyung's shirt isn't even tucked in anymore for christ sake.

"could you please save your intimate times for when you're at home, I've made a whole bunch of appetizers for you to try for the celebration."

"I'll come, Taehyungie has a meeting anyway, right?" Jungkook winks cheekily, as if he doesn't know that he's leaving Taehyung with a rather horrid case of blue balls.

It was innocent at first, but Taehyung kept stopping every two seconds of their kiss to remind Jungkook of his meeting, so it seems as if karma decided to play her own hand.


but the door clicks shut before Taehyung can even ask the man to stay.



"Jongho, hi" he nods as the man enters his office. Guiding him to the small coffee table near the sofa.

"Listen, I'm here because of something my assistant brought to my attention. You know, our magazines are quite rivals wouldn't you agree?"

Taehyung smirks just a tad, if you consider the Seoul Harolds 3 copies to their 15 copies, then sure—rivals.

"Anyways, I can't help but feel as if there's unnecessary bad blood between us. We should try to work together, imagine if our companies joined forces to give all of Korea the news they need and the entertainment they crave—all in one place" the man fixes his tie a little and Taehyung's eyes immediately catch sight of his cuff links.

They're gold rimmed with Matte black base. He'd recognize them anywhere because Hyungsik gifted him a pair as well. "If you think I give a damn who my ex fiancé is sleeping with, you're mistaken"

Jongho laughs as he relaxes "no no, I don't think you care about who Sik is sleeping with — me by the way — but Jia. My lovely Jia has been spending an awful lot of time at BigHit. I was unsure at first until she mentioned her old flame Jungkook and well... the pieces just align Taehyung-ssi"

Taehyung is doing his best to hold back his laughter, really. This man came in here, head held high with his lies—as if Taehyung wasn't just seconds away from fucking Jungkook senseless on his desk.

"I think this meeting has no real purpose, other than you attempting to stir up a fire that won't be maintained. I know where Jungkook and I stand, thanks anyway"

Jongho goes to speak but Taehyung is up and holding the door open, smile wide when Jungkook happens to be walking up with plates filled of an assortment of Seokjin's cooking.

"Reconsider, we could do big things for the entertainment industry"

Taehyung's door is almost closed behind the man before he says "Jongho-ssi?" he waits until the man turns around, ears practically wagging in excitement "I'm already doing big things, your entire publishing house is invited to our anniversary celebration Saturday. I have a big reveal planned. I do hope you'll make it."

he closes the door before Jongho can say anything back and his gaze turns almost black when his eyes find Jungkook seated on the sofa.

"You ran out of here real quick Koo—"

"I did.." his tongue slips out of his mouth playfully before standing up and meeting Taehyung in the middle "..you were just so focused on work babe, I had to leave you alone"

"we both know the last thing I was focused on was work. Soo Jongho could've waited in the lobby all damn day for fucks sake" his fingers loop inside Jungkook's waistband to pull him closer "my focus was very much on you, baby..."

the words are hushed and he expected Jungkook to fight back a little more but he just exhales breathily before their mouths press together hungrily.

Taehyung really wonders how it's possible to want someone as bad as he wants Jungkook, all the damn time.

It's not long before he finds himself seated in his favorite lap. Tongue slipping into Jeongguk's mouth deliciously and the low groans the man underneath him lets out do wonders for his body.

Every touch is lightning as he lays him all the way down, thinks he's going to regret conjoining their offices because how is he ever supposed to keep his hands off of Jungkook when he's right there and so sexy.

"Don't run off again, please" Taehyung murmurs but Jungkook has no plans of going anywhere, slips his hands beneath Taehyung's pants and kneads the skin of his ass greedily.

"fuck—" his smile is pressed into Taehyung's neck before he nibbles on the skin there "you're so...god"

Taehyung giggles into his ear and finds a perfect grinding rhythm for his hips. Really, when did his employees become so competent that he had enough free time for this?

"Jungkook—" he whispers, voice cracked and already sounding so desperate "cant't wait babe, I've gotta fuc—"

"Mr. Kim!!" Dahyun shouts before she opens the door and screams at the sight before her "IM SO SORRY"

Taehyung's head falls to Jungkook's shoulder as he groans, almost more of a whine when Jungkook removes his hands from where they were gripping at his skin.

"You wanna go see what they need, or shall I?" Jungkook laughs as he stands, having a difficult time making the immense hard on less visible.

"you've got to, because I'm about to fucking lose it.." Taehyung seethes. Jungkook finds it difficult to restrain himself from saying something filthy when Taehyung's jaw is clenched and his chest is heaving.

"Only another hour and then we can go home, yours or mine tonight?"

"Mine, I've got dinner plans for us" Taehyung smiles softly then, Jungkook brings him in for a hug by the waist and leaves a soft kiss to his lips

"once we're home, no interruptions.. okay?"

"'kay. I swear Koo, we're shutting off our phones the moment we're in bed"

Jungkook blows a gentle kiss to Taehyung as he's leaving the office. Maybe they can skip out of work a little early today.

||| hi guys, I'm sorry the updates have been slower.

Please understand I currently have 2 books going here, 1 au on ao3 and 3 aus on Twitter.

Aside from that I am an adult with a full time job, I do my best to update as quick as possible but my stories are important to me and I refuse to rush out an update just so that one is there.

Every update sets up for the next one which is why I'm so particular about them. Thank you for sticking with me, the next update is already halfway done and will be uploaded at around 4k words.

So it's big and juicy and worth the wait.

i love you, Mila 💜

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