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"Day, goodmorning!" Jungkook chirps as he enters the building.

Missing the way she giggles a little "morning googie.." she whispers, quiet enough that Jungkook didn't quite hear her

he nods anyway with a smile, she's probably the next greatest employee in the whole place after himself.


Taehyung's face is buried into his computer screen when Jungkook enters their office, quickly placing down the cup of coffee so that he can grasp onto his boyfriend's face.

"Morning babe" he says sweetly before Taehyung captures his lips with a breathy laugh.

"Morning Kookie, what's on the agenda for today?" he fiddles with Jungkook's hands, before pulling him into his hold.

They've really gotta work on this whole not sleeping over every night thing, because he missed him too much.

"Just gonna give reporting their assignments for BigHit's new group comeback concepts—then after work I have some classes at BigHit" he sighs, he's been picking up extra hours at the agency because the other group's choreographer quit unexpectedly.

It's draining and he just knows it's going to start cutting into his off work hours time with Taehyung.

"Sometimes I forget that you're an office manager by day and dance instructor by night" Taehyung murmurs against his lips, breath heavy on his mouth "it's kinda hot"

Jungkook's fingers find their way into Taehyung's hair, "only kind of hot??" and he knows what he's doing when he rocks his body against his boyfriend.

but he can't help it.

Just as he thinks Taehyung might actually
give into some of their desires there's a knocking on the big office door that makes Jungkook groan.

"Who could possibly—" he pouts to himself as his boyfriend goes to answer

"Sik..." Taehyung whispers, and it makes Jungkook's eyes widen, "who's Sik?"

"Hello Taehyungie, still as handsome as ever.." the man says, stepping into Taehyung's space and tucking some tufts of hair behind his ear.

too fucking close

Jungkook steps out of Taehyung's office then, hurries until he's right behind his boyfriend and snakes an arm around his waist, lingering kiss pressed to his temple.

"Who's the visitor, baby?" glaring at the man in front of him.

"Oh, I didn't realize you were seeing someone new, love? I'll come back another time.." he pulls out a business card, ignoring Jungkook's presence and stepping into Taehyung's space.

Pulls the flap of his blazer open to tuck it in the inside pocket, "call me when you're ready to come back to me" he whispers into Taehyung's ear.

Taehyung's jaw clenches with the words but he can't speak, he's frozen still. Doesn't even register that Hyungsik left until Jungkook is in front of his face, worry painted all over his features.

"Baby??" Jungkook coaxes gently, arms wrapping around Taehyung protectively and kissing his forehead "who was that?"

Taehyung doesn't answer though. Only shakes his head, Jungkook's hardly ever seen the man like this. Seemingly terrified.

"Let's get back to work, hmm? There's a big issue coming out this month." he tries to be gentle, peppers soft kisses on his neck before pulling away.

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