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Two weeks of quick kisses and sneaking make out sessions in the office, have Jungkook feeling on top of the world.

Doesn't even realize when it was that he started hoping for more between them—he figures it was gradual, natural, all of the things that these types of feelings should be.

and it's natural the way he orders their usual morning items before heading into the office, casual as he fishes out his key to Taehyung's locked office.

What isn't, though—is the way his stomach brees something nasty at the sound of Taehyung sweet laughter from the other side of the door, accompanied by another's, one he doesn't recognize.

He opens the door much quicker than normal and almost drops the tray of beverages when he sees Taehyung and a very handsome man sitting next to each other on the couch.

Not too close but close enough for Jungkook to want to put a mile of space between them, and he feels the anger inside him burning hotter and hotter until Taehyung's soft eyes meet his with a smile "Jungkook, this is Inez. He will be taking over Gio's role."

Great, mr. tall and handsome isn't going anywhere, anytime soon.

Still he smiles brightly, setting down the drinks and takeout bag on Taehyung's desk before extending a hand to the gentleman who is standing.

Seemingly trying to decipher who exactly Jungkook is. "Nice to meet you, Inez-ssi. We will be seeing a lot of each other, seeing as most staffs report to me before speaking with Taehyungie"

Maybe he through the nickname out there on purpose... and maybe he stood a little closer to Taehyung on purpose.

"Yes, this is my assistant who takes on a much larger role than necessary—but I'm so grateful for him. I'm still here if you have any questions as you transition." Taehyung smiles between the two before seeing Inez out of the office.

After shutting the door, he gasps when Jungkook is in his space—hands gripping onto his waist tightly, "we've gotta work on how you'll introduce me to people" he murmurs already mouthing at the expanse of Taehyung's neck.

"Yah! What do y-you mean?" He tries to be firm but the temptation of just melting in Jungkook's hold is so strong.

"How else will these people know you're mine?" then he's sucking on Taehyung's neck and it hits him.

Jungkook was jealous, is jealous.

Taehyung wishes this revelation wasn't so satisfying—ah but it is.

Because he's jealous everytime Jungkook is extra friendly with staff or delivery people or when he has to go work at BigHit where all of the perfectly toned and beautiful Idols and trainees are.

So Jungkook being jealous over a straight, married, new hire? it's so glorious that Taehyung decides to bask in it.

"Hm, don't remember agreeing to exclusives Koo?" he drawls against Jungkook's ear and regrets it immediately when the man pulls away.

Hurt painting his face "the hell do you mean?!"


"No, tell me! because I thought what we've been doing for a little while now made it obvious there was no one else." his voice genuinely sounds hurt and Taehyung feels bad, that is until the next sentence rolls out of his mouth "do you know how many people I've turned down, thinking we weren't seeing others?" it's harsh and bitter almost like Jungkook wishes he wouldn't have turned them down.

Taehyung doesn't play games.

Taehyung has had his heart played with before.

Taehyung knows all about young, attractive men like Jeon Jungkook.

"Your first problem was assuming I was yours to begin with babe" he says, crossing his arms over his chest

Jungkook clicks his tongue and moves past Taehyung to get out of the door "No my first problem was assuming you actually had a heart buried somewhere inside of you"


Taehyung? regrets.

Regrets being so harsh with Jungkook this morning.

It started so well, was set for a beautiful day of teasing and God knows how he was excited for lunch.

but as he's sitting in his office alone at nearly 2 p.m. still hasn't even touched his breakfast from this morning, he reluctantly opens the bag.

Feels even worse when he eyes the sweet little note and small Dove Chocolate bar,

Happy Two Weeks of Kissing, wouldn't have wanted to kiss anyone else for hours everyday.

Love, JK
P.S: this chocolate tastes almost as good as your lips.

He's placing the items back in his desk feeling like quite the idiot when his door flies open and in walks Jeon Jungkook with dark eyes.

The door is shut and locked swiftly, Taehyung gulps when he sees the way Jungkook is staring at him.

"Yeah, I thought about it and I think you're full of shit" he starts and Taehyung raises a brow, amused.

"Oh, am I?"

"Yes, Taehyung, you are"

"and why is that?" he challenges, standing from his desk and right in front of Jungkook, chest to chest and exchanging oxygen.

"Because I know—" he takes a heavy breath and presses his lips almost against Taehyung's "I know you've wanted me as long as I've wanted you and I know that you actually do like me."

the confidence in his tone is incredibly hot and Taehyung feels himself sweating "and how can you be so sure?"

wonders why he's still so stupid, knowing how he was sulking just ten minutes before this, but Jungkook's hands are gliding up his arms and looping around his neck.

Taehyung's fingers fly like magnets to the waist in front of him, gnaws on his lip at how wonderful it feels, having Jungkook in his arms like this.

"Because, Taehyungie..." he smirks a little, trails one finger tip down Taehyung's shoulder and over his chest, tapping his fingers gently over the space of his heart "this doesn't lie and with how fast it's beating I know you feel this too, feel everything that's between us"

Taehyung's breathing stutters as he meets Jungkook's sparkly eyes, "and what if I do? feel it."

Jungkook smiles, it's a sweet yet sinful smile, the kind that Taehyung loves so much—"then I'm gonna tell you that you're mine and I don't like to share"

Thinks of a million words to say but decides none are necessary, pulls onto the tiny waist in his grasp tightly and brings Jungkook's body flush against his own, slamming their lips together and presses the man's body to the wall behind them.

Finger's digging into his skin and fuck if he hadn't been thinking of this all day, was kicking himself for letting Jungkook storm out this morning but damn is he glad that he stormed back in.

"Koo—" he starts but Jungkook just presses their lips together again

"Talk later, kiss now."

and Taehyung is more than fine with that.

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