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He was partially kidding, about the whole taking his date back to his place thing. 

Okay and maybe he was kidding about the date thing in general, because he doesn't have one--didn't even have plans of leaving the house. But God was it glorious seeing how riled up Jungkook got. 

Makes Taehyung feel good knowing Jungkook wants him just as much--but also makes this little game he just started, that much more rewarding. Now Jungkook thinks Taehyung has other options and that? That's great. 

Because Jungkook has been so smug, since he made his way into the office and pulled onto Taehyung's strings like a puppet master. He isn't entirely to blame, it's Taehyung who's a sucker for a well built body and a sweet face. 

It's been so long since he's wanted someone, in ways other than sexual. Wants Jungkook in all of the ways but refuses to be the one chasing. He's been there before, chased and chased until eventually he fell flat on his ass.

and as much as he wants the sexy little thing that has taken over the role as his assistant--he is also well aware that Jeon Jungkook is a young man who works within an industry filled with gorgeous little idols and models running around. 

Guarantees he could walk inside Big Hit and claim any of them as his own...the thought makes his blood boil but he takes a deep breath. Jungkook proved today that he's interested, now Taehyung just has to get him to make the move. 

God knows if he makes the leap Taehyung won't be able to resist any longer. This dance they've been doing is going on far too long and he doesn't really care how--he just fucking wants him. Vicious desire taking over every time they're within close enough proximity. 

Taehyung, has to get him to make the move. 


He's four shots deep and a vodka tonic down when he feels a presence slide next to him, turns to the right and sees none other than Jeon Jungkook staring right at him.

He's four shots deep and a vodka tonic down when he feels a presence slide next to him, turns to the right and sees none other than Jeon Jungkook staring right at him

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 Smug grin painting his face as he leans into Taehyung's ear, "Didn't think I'd catch you on my first stop. Should've known you'd come back here, were you hoping to find me doll?"

The words are so smooth as they're spoken and Taehyung nearly chokes on his drink, swallows it down quick enough for Jungkook not to notice the way he made him panic. Cranes his head to the side with a sultry eye roll, "Think awfully high of yourself, huh Jeon?"

He chuckles into Taehyung's ear and slides a little closer. Arm loops around his neck and pulls him in, "Where's your date? I'd love to see the guy that's managed to steal your attention away from me." 

"Already gone, wasn't my type" Taehyung shrugs Jungkook's arm off his shoulder and gestures to the bartender for his tab "Sorry, Kookie but I'm actually on my way home. Got some business to take care of" the words are dark and loaded as he speaks. 

Rolls each syllable off of his tongue slowly against Jungkook's ear, hand resting lightly on his thigh. "Feel bad that you got all pretty just for me...maybe you can play dress up for me another night?" he coos, proud for his quick witted recovery. 

Pays the bartender and is walking away when there's a finger in his belt loop, yanking him back and he stumbles into Jungkook's lap. Ass resting perfectly against his groin and there's lips pressed right against his ear, "Whatever business you need to take care of, probably something your assistant could take care of yeah?" 

Taehyung hates the way his head cranes to the sides as Jungkook begins mouthing at the skin of his neck, damn alcohol making his thoughts hazy. Takes him a moment to compose himself before he's turning around in Jungkook's arm. 

Fingers going to the smooth locks of hair and gripping tight, pulling Jungkook's head to align his ear with Taehyung's lips, "He probably could, if he wasn't so damn inept." bites out the words harshly as he nibbles just barely on Jungkook's earlobe. 

Hears the soft groan that escapes the man's throat and he's hurrying out of his grasp. Tongue darting out to lick his lips as he gives a small wave goodbye. 

Spends the entire cab right back home squealing into his palm but he's so fucking proud of himself. 


It's 9 a.m. on a Sunday and Taehyung normally would sleep in until noon but he can't. Has hardly slept all weekend. Keeps replaying everything that happened Friday at work and Friday night in his mind. 





It won't stop. An endless mantra. Decides to go get some fresh air but when he opens his door he finds a wrapped box sitting there. Pulls it inside and immediately recognizes the handwriting on top. 

Taehyungie is all that it says. 

Fingers are nervous as he undoes the wrapping, smiling softly when he finds an arrangement of flowers with a note attached, 

From your inept assistant

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From your inept assistant. I'll do better. See you tomorrow. 


and for the first time in a long time Taehyung couldn't wait to go into work. 

||| a/n: AHHH so sorry for the short update. It's only so short because the next chapter is going to be LOOOOONG. 

I hope you're enjoying things. This slow burn, is starting to burn a little faster 😘

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