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Jeon Jungkook isn't a genius. No, he is well aware that there are many areas that he lacks...however he is smart enough to know whenever someone wants him. After all, once you fall into a habit of picking up people at bars, you tend to learn the signals. So he is feeling quite smug upon his confirmation, that yes Kim Taehyung, not only finds him attractive but definitely wants him.

It's Friday, his fourth day working for the Bangtan Bomb. It was only on his first day, that he worked directly with Taehyung. Jimin filled in his assistant duties for the rest of the week and he'd be lying if he said he wasn't a little disappointed but Jimin assured him that it was only so he could line up the things necessary for Jungkook to take over the role indefinitely. All week though, Jungkook has caught glimpses of Taehyung throughout the office.

The first time it happened was Wednesday after lunch time. He was near the copier refilling the stacks of paper whenever Taehyung needed to scan something. Now, Jungkook knows that obviously working for a magazine, there are many things that need to be scanned or faxed or printed. So he simply stepped back once he filled it up, bowed and retreated to his cubicle. Except he didn't hear the familiar buzzing of an image being scanned and when he looked back, he happened to catch Taehyung staring right at him. He raised an eyebrow and noticed the way Taehyung pretended to be looking past him before turning and walking the other direction. Jungkook chuckled at this, cute.

The second time it happened was yesterday morning, Jungkook was in the employee break room heating up some cup noodles because he forgot to make breakfast, whenever Taehyung entered and grabbed something from the fridge.

"How are you liking it here?" is what he asked whenever he leaned against the counter next to Jungkook. To which he smiled brightly, "I'm really enjoying it" he chirped, did a quick glance around the room and leaned in "my first day has been my favorite though.." he murmured, reaching past Taehyung to grab a set of chopsticks and leaving the room with a wave of his hand. Leaving behind a very flustered Taehyung.

Today is when it really happened. Jungkook knows without a doubt that Taehyung has been looking for him. He learns this because Taehyung has been peaking around the corner every couple of minutes as Jungkook types away. He noticed his boss's presence the very first time he appeared but decided to pretend he didn't. It was really hard to bite back his smile whenever Taehyung's fluffy hair keeps showing up in his peripheral vision. Jungkook is about 80% certain at this point that Taehyung is watching him so he gets up and decides to tease a little bit. With a yawn he starts stretching his arms up just high enough to reveal his abdomen a little bit..he made sure to steal a glance at Taehyung and whenever they locked eyes he winked. Causing the man to stand straight up and walk away, pretending nothing even happened.

Now Jungkook would have left it at that, really he would have...but he is a man and he'd be lying if he said he didn't love the feeling of having the Kim Taehyung's eyes on him at all times. He decides to pay a visit to his boss and ask questions about his upcoming position change, but what he doesn't expect is to hear Taehyung whining to someone on the phone.

"Jin-hyungggg, when are you coming back to work?"

"Sorry Tae, I'll be back tomorrow. What's going on?"

"Jiminie hired someone new and I'm fairly certain that I'm in heaven. I want to smooch. How do I go about smooching an employee without it being sexual harrassment?"

Jungkook thinks he's going to blow his cover with the way he has to bite down on his hand, there's no way he's not sticking around to hear the rest of this. Unfortunately for him, his dearest friend Kim Namjoon happened to be on his way to his little brother's office. 

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