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If you would've told Taehyung, the day Jungkook walked into his office with a bright smile that several months later they'd be boyfriends...he'd call you a liar.

He'd tell you how he's had his heart broken by one too many men—he'd be lying to himself.

As it's a Thursday evening and he's strolling down to BigHit, knowing Jungkook is an instructor tonight and he's never seen him in action.

The receptionist greets him easily as he enters the building and Taehyung takes his time strolling down the halls, music vibrating off the ceiling until he's finally rendered speechless.

Jungkook is in the center of the room, a class of probably 30 trainers sitting along all three walls watching in amazement—the way his body moves fluidly across the floor, graceful and elegant, yet so powerful.

Exuding strength with every leap and thrashing movement of his arms. The sultry grin that comes over his face as he cranes his neck coming to a finish.

Swiftly the man turns to bow to his class who are already up and mimicking different moves—Taehyung assumes waiting for their chance to try out the routine that made Jungkook look like a God.

Admiring from the glass the way beads of sweat trickle down Jungkook's forearm as his hands rest on his hips. Taehyung gulps heavily when suddenly bright brown orbs are digging into his own.

A raised brow and crooked smirk is almost inviting, practically dragging him into the room..but he doesn't go. Just loosens his tie, barely and licks his lips—eyes locked with Jungkook the entire time.


The class filters out quickly after a few run throughs of the choreography, Taehyung does his best not to seem too eager when he hurries into the room and slams it shut.

"Hi there babe" Jungkook drawls from where he's leaned against the mirror, chugging a bottle of water.

"You.." Taehyung starts but shakes his head, can't get the words out properly—mesmerized by everything that is Jungkook right now so his hands immediately grasp onto his hips and pulls him close "are incredible" he whispers, brushed his lips over Jungkook's and feels the way the other's breath stutters.

"you've never visited me here before" Jungkook murmurs as his lips find their place along Taehyung's neck, nipping at it just barely before trailing his parted mouth back over it.

"I shouldn't have.." Taehyung begins and Jungkook is almost going to frown until there's long fingers grasping his chin and pulling their lips together gently "because how am I supposed to control myself now? you're irresistible"

Jungkook is unsure of what to do, quite confused by the way Taehyung is suddenly so bold—used to having to force anything out of the man. He's drowning.

Drowning in the way Taehyung's breath fans his mouth and melting in his hold, Jungkook murmurs incredulously, "you don't want me like this...all sweat—" the tongue that licks into his mouth halts his words.

He kisses back desperately, Taehyung tastes delicious—doesn't know how to describe the way he desires to taste every last bit of him.

"so wrong, my Kookie, never wanted you more—fuck you're so hot like this.." Taehyung groans against the pulse of his neck, it's salty and bitter but he loves it. Sucks a mark so red Jungkook gasps when he sees it in the mirror.

"never took you for the type to claim your property" the crown of his head is rested against the mirror, makes the mistake of glancing over his shoulder.

A spark shoots right through his body and to his pants at the sight of him and Taehyung together like this. The man's long fingers curled around Jungkook's body and mouth all over his neck—it's gorgeous.

Gorgeous the way the tanned skin of Taehyung's arms looks in contrast to his slightly paler skin, the compliments of his black hair as it drapes over his forehead, tickling Jungkook's shoulder. The fluttering of Taehyung's lashes when he looks up and meets Jungkook's gaze through the mirror. 

"Taehyung.." he starts, feels the way Taehyung's mouth curls into a smile, before he's moving and their lips are brushing "please kiss me more, wanted to kiss you all day but barely had a chance" he's almost whining and it makes Taehyung feel warm inside. 

The other groans when Jungkook's hand snakes around his back, pulls him against him as they push on the mirror, "today was hell, lunch was so boring" every word is exasperated, barely managed to get out between the soft pants escaping as their mouths collide. 

Jungkook stops talking though, focuses too much on Taehyung's body rolling against his as his head tilts to deepen their kiss. The sensation of the other's tongue against his has him dizzy but rejuvenated. As if he hadn't been working hard for the last three hours, thinks he could kiss Taehyung endlessly and never be exhausted.

When an almost inaudible growl bubbles up from Taehyung's throat Jungkook feels shivers over his entire body, one hand curling under Taehyung's thigh and lifting it to bring them just that little bit closer.. "Kook-" Taehyung starts but Jungkook shuts him up by licking back into his mouth with an urgency that Taehyung himself can't get enough of. 

Another hand curls around his other thigh and Taehyung gasps when Jungkook whispers for him to jump, caught off guard but such an odd request and his cheeks heat up when he does and Jungkook has a firm grip on his body. Twisting them around and presses Taehyung against the mirror, smirking at the flushed expression on his face. 

"Never been carried before?" he teases and Taehyung blinks a few times, no..no he hasn't..has carried plenty of people but never has he himself been held and fuck if it isn't doing something to the arousal building in his stomach. 

"Shut the hell up before I make you put me down" he mutters though his words are contradictory to the way his hands tighten around Jungkook's neck and he kisses him again. Sighing when their tongues meet again. Taehyung getting lost in exploring everything of Jungkook, can't get enough of him. 

Body rutting desperately against him, and one of Jungkook's hands trail to cup his ass, squeezing gently as their kiss grows more and more lustrous, "Taeh-" he begins when they hear the door to the studio open and a soft gasp. 

"I-I'm so sorry Jungkook-oppa.." the girl begins, cheeks red and eyes glued to her feet. 

He exhales, setting Taehyung down reluctantly before turning to the trainee, "Can I help you Ahin?" he says, voice soft but Taehyung smirks a little because it's so strained. 

"I just brought you something but I didn't know you had company.." she hands forward the box of chocolates wrapped with a pink ribbon before bowing "I'll see you at Tuesdays class Oppa" 

Jungkook nods confused as she walks away, turns to see Taehyung with dark eyes and a raised brow, "girls got nerve" he scoffs, striding towards Jungkook and grabbing the box from his hands "interrupting the hottest make-out session of my life to make the moves on my boyfriend.." 

The hand that cups Taehyung's cheek is soft and comforting, his lips turn to kiss Jungkook's palm on instinct. It's insane to him how easy some of these things come to him now.. "What if you came over for a movie and we were late to work tomorrow?" Jungkook's eyes hold something Taehyung can't read. 

He knows he shouldn't, being late is such a bad example to set but there's something about the sparkle when Jungkook looks at him like this that makes it impossible to say no "as long as I get to pick the movie babe" 

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