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Ahhh, the lovely month of November. 

It's Taehyung's least favorite month, filled with constant email streams. 

Questions about the last year's number, plans for the upcoming year, scandals, hot topics...everything.

 It's endless. 

Not to mention fielding constant Holiday requests by employees.

He's so thankful though, for Jungkook this year because Jungkook has been such a tremendous help. Making Taehyung's job in the office almost minimal, leaving him much more time to focus on his inbox which, holy shit does that say 800 unread emails, he has to push away for a moment. 

Yes because the renovation team is here, which is the first thing Taehyung's been excited about in awhile. As much as he loves staring at his boyfriend from across his office, truly.. he does..Jungkook does far more work than an assistant would and he deserves his own workspace. 

Which is why Taehyung is taking advantage of the man's extra day off to get a very expensive team of people in to make some drastic changes, fast. 

The editor in chief's office is huge...ridiculously huge, unnecessarily huge. It was never his plan to have such a large office. This also helps in his plans for renovation and he really can't wait to show Jungkook their new office space. 


The third floor, housing all of the editorial staff is lively this time of morning and time of year. Taehyung hasn't had to address anyone other than Dahyun in awhile. So it's a tad nervous the way he coughs to grab their attention. 

Though he can't help the smirk that comes over his face when the noise halts immediately. Every single staff dropping what they're doing to look at him, okay Jungkook may have the reigns on the office but it's very much still his staff. 

"Guys, I know this is unexpected but I'm closing the office for the day. Paid of course. Pack your things and leave..thank you for the hardwork, I'll see you all tomorrow." 

There's a bunch of noise and talking but they all thank him regardless and hurry out. He finally finds Dahyun to get her to pass the message to the rest of the staffs. 

"Hey, Day. Can you spread the news for me?" he smiles and she raises a brow but nods none the less. 


;; How was work today, did you miss me?

// Not as much as you missed me, probably. Work was fine. 

;; Ouch, guess I can take another day off then?

// Oh absolutely not, we have loads to do tomorrow. 

;; Whatcha doing right now?

// About to go to sleep, sorry. You'll have to see me tomorrow babe. 

;; Fine. I'll see tomorrow then, gorgeous. 

// Goodnight, Koo.

;; Goodnight, Tae.


Jungkook knows he falls hard. Has always known this and seeing the massive crush he's had on Kim Taehyung since the first time he saw him, he knows he's so fucked. So fucked as he is rushing to get ready for work. 

Who does that? A man who's head over heels for his boss, that's who. 

Except he's met with disappointment when the key to Taehyung's office doesn't work anymore. The locks were changed. He looks around for Dahyun or anyone  really, until the door opens and Taehyung is standing there, bright smile on his face and dangling a small key ring with two different keys hanging from it. 

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