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Taehyung isn't oblivious. He is well aware that he can be.. less than nice.. in the workplace. Truly though, it isn't like he enjoys being an ass. Simply, he's worked very hard to get to the position he's in. Working the Bangtan Bomb up from just a measly online blog up to the largest magazine in all of South Korea...it's something that doesn't come by cutting corners and minuscule mistakes. 

His motto, as a writer and appreciator of literature..every typo counts. Every single one. Which is why, you can imagine his frustration whenever first thing in the morning, a proof of the front page for next month's issue is brought to him and in the tiny box in the lower corner, instead of it saying KRW next to the sale price it says KPW. Fucking idiots. 

He throws the proof onto the guy's desk. Name is Yoon, has been an employee of the Bangtan Bomb for 2 years now. There is absolutely no reason why something as small as this, should still be happening. Yoon stares up from his computer screen, face looking as if he's preparing to be screamed at whenever Namjoon makes his way over. 

"Taehyungie.." he speaks, voice firm and Taehyung clenches his jaw. Eyes rolling as he looks away from Yoon and in the direction of his brother. 

"Hyung, I'm busy." 

"I could see that, about to bite his head off. What happened?" he points to the proof and Yoon scrambles to hand it to him. Namjoon tsks and hands it right back. 

"Fix the mistake. You've been here long enough that these things shouldn't be happening. Don't disappoint again, got it?" he speaks as he laces an arm around Taehyung's shoulders and walks him back to his office. 

Taehyung pouts "I don't appreciate you undermining me in front of my staff Joonie." As he takes his seat

"We've got bigger fish to fry kid. The Seoul Herold just put out an article about us. Calling our reporters biased and saying we only cover stories that are convenient for us. A lot of people are talking about it and our sales already went down this morning. Not by much but enough that it made marketing call me." 

Taehyung slams a fist on his desk in irritation "Of course and it is just going to play right into their hands the fact that we lost all of the ISAC content. Looking like we chose not to cover it even though they know damn well we were there with a plethora of reporters. FUCK!" he shouts and Namjoon is about to speak whenever the door to Taehyung's office opens and in walks a tall man that he recognizes on the spot as his best friend. 

He's sporting a grin that reaches his eyes as he walks towards Taehyung with a paper cup in hand.

"Um?" Namjoon questions as he places the cup on Taehyung's desk. 

"Goodmorning, Taehyung-ssi. Jimin-ssi sent me this morning, he was caught up with some issues in the publishing department. Jeon Jungkook." his voice is sweet, his smile doesn't falter even a bit as he bows a full 90 degrees and then extends a hand for Taehyung to grab. 

Taehyung's eyes are wide. He's absolutely speechless. Certain, 1000% certain that he has never laid eyes on a more attractive man in his life. He reaches a hand out quickly to take Jungkook's. "Oh, um," he coughs "It's nice to meet you. Thanks for bringing my-"

"Caramel frappucino with double extra caramel, extra milk and extra whipped cream.." he winks "basically drowning the coffee taste in sugar" 

Taehyung blushes. Namjoon's eyes are wide because his brother, who just ten minutes ago had his jaw clenched so tight he could have cracked a tooth, is sitting here. Fucking Blushing because of his bestfriend. 

"Perfect.. thank you Jungkook-ssi." Taehyung smiles shyly, locking eyes with the man who is still standing in front of him. He takes notice to the round glasses perched on the slope of his nose perfectly. Wonders if they're real or just for aesthetic. Either way he figures he doesn't mind, it's evident even through the lens that Jungkook's eyes are vibrant and beautiful. Taehyung thinks he could certainly get lost in them if he stares long enough. "Um, what department do you work for again?" he asks and Jungkook smiles awkwardly, hand reaching back to rub his neck 

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