
1.8K 110 14

//nsfw warning. The whole chapter really. Enjoy. 🤤 (switch!taekook)

When Jungkook requested the day off due to needing to help out at BigHit with a group about to debut, Taehyung hadn't realized how much was on the schedule for today.

~meeting with investors 8a

~meeting with marketing 10:15a

~meeting with accounting in regards to annual tax documents 12:00

~maybe a lunch break?

all before 1:00p. He's drowning. Drowning in work, drowning in exhausting, just.. drowning. He's nearly reaching his wits end when there's a gentle knocking on the door.

"Mr. Kim, are you there?"

Ah, Inez. He's taken on his role in the company so well the last months. Taehyung wasn't sure how well he would adjust, but he's a seasoned professional. Not to mention everyone loves him.

"Come on in, Inez-ssi."

The man enters with a blank expression on his face, Taehyung hasn't had to deal with something like this in a long time. He can sense the anxiety radiating from Inez when he starts to speak "one of the investors from this morning just called, um.. the phone call was forwarded to me, per Jungkook-ssi. Well, I was getting lunch and I missed the call. They were upset, I-I'm so sorry, they're pulling their investment. They called us in-incompetent. I'm sorry."

He's frantic already bowing and Taehyung can hear the shuffling of feet outside his office. His chest heaves, slightly.

Deep breaths.

"Did you not hear the phone call?" deep breaths.

"I did, but I didn't recognize the telephone number and I-I forgot that Jungkook-ssi told me he was forwarding his calls to my device. I'm, I'm entirely at fault."

deep breaths.

"I'll handle things. Please leave." deep breaths.

Inez stands up with wide eyes, as if waiting for something else to follow but Taehyung simply returns his gaze to the computer. deep breaths.

All of these months of Jungkook fielding the nonsense has made him realize some things, mostly his temper? is out of control. It's been nice having it in control and not having a meltdown.

and he's fine. Really. Just fine. deep breaths.

Until he looks on his cell phone and sees that the investor who dropped was JBM Ent. the second largest entertainment company in Seoul and one of their largest investors.


deep breaths.

deep breaths.


"You still have a job?" a nod.

"He seriously didn't fire you? He didn't scream at all?" a head shake.

"Was Mr. Jeon in there?" another head shake.

"What wasn't I there for?" Jungkook pops his head around the corner, sees the way the employees jump at his presence.

"U-Um.." Inez looks away gnawing on his lip before sighing heavily.

All while Jungkook is doing his best not to laugh hysterically, knowing what a hot head Taehyung is, there's no way he isn't throwing a full blown tantrum in his office right now.

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