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"Whoa baby—" Jimin whistles as Taehyung enters the office "what's got you looking like an absolute fucking smoke show on a Monday?" slaps Taehyung's ass playfully before following him to his office.

"I'm not allowed to dress nice for work?" he asks nonchalantly but Jimin gives a knowing grin

"if work translates to Jeon Jungkook, then yes you are allowed—" Taehyung scowls at him as he unlocks the door to his office. Drops his briefcase when he opens it though and there are bouquets of flowers lining every window sill, bookcase, side table and even his desk.

"What the fuck happened in here? Oh wait, only one other person has a key to this office aside from myself—which by the way took you two years to give me one so how the hell has he gotten one so soon—anyways, damn you've both got it bad"

"No one has anything!" Taehyung shouts but can't hide the rose color of the tips of his ears.

"Big meeting today regarding our defamation suit against the Seoul Harold—so get it together before then, yeah?" Jimin smirks leaving the office, raises a brow when he see's Jungkook entering behind him with a huge take-out bag, briefcase and drink carrier.

When he first took up Hoseok's offer he honestly felt guilty—but he's starting to think it's the best thing he's ever done as Taehyung's best friend.


"What's all this about Jungkook?" Taehyung says, trying desperately not to look up from his computer screen.

"Heard my boss thinks I'm inept, so I'm trying to prove to him that I'm worthy.." places the various breakfast items out on the desk next to Taehyung as well as the three different drink options he brought.

"You didn't have to do all of this..." Taehyung murmurs when he sees Jungkook coming around the desk in his peripherals—"Yes, I did." He speaks out smooth and slow behind Taehyung's ear.

Hands already working to massage his shoulders—"never gonna get a chance to make you mine if I don't prove myself, hmm?"

Taehyung stiffens at that, pries Jungkook's fingers off of him and stands up, closes the distance between them—he can practically hear Jungkook's racing heart as he leans his body against the other's, head dipping in to leave the smallest space between their mouths "if all of this, is some ploy to get in my pants—might as well stop now, can't be bought lover boy"

He goes to step away but feels hands on his wrists pulling him back, same position but Jungkook's breath is hot and heavy against his lips "don't care about getting in your pants—want you, just you"

Taehyung wishes he believed him, he really does and maybe a small part of him thinks it might be true.

But the only thing between them has been sexual tension and he's gonna need a little more than the right words from Jungkook to convince him that this is more than a physical attraction—for both of them.


This meeting was bound to piss Taehyung off, the moment he found out about it. What caught him off guard though, was entering the room that his lawyer is sitting and finding one of his current employees there. 

"Gio.." he begins, already seething, everything clicking in his mind before anyone even speaks. 

"Please sit Mr. Kim, we will address any questions you have in an orderly fashion." 

He nods curtly, fingers gripping onto his beverage far too tight. Thanking the heavens that Jungkook got him a reusable mug awhile back because if it were paper it surely would've crumpled by now. 

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