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Jungkook's exhausted. He's spent his entire Sunday at BigHit working on endless choreos with the new groups, this after he spent his entire Saturday, finally moving into his new place. It was a pleasant surprise when Seokjin from the office showed up around 4 p.m. Taehyung following behind smiling sheepishly as they hauled in bags and bags of groceries. 

Staying long enough to help him unpack and if Taehyung helped him break in the balcony...well that's no ones business. but it is partially why he's so damn exhausted today. 

Finally finished, the young idol's are all exiting the studio when he sees someone slip inside. Doesn't even have to look up from the floor to know who it is. When those gorgeous leather shoes that aren't all the way on come into view. 

"Hey handsome" 

"You look drained Koo" Taehyung's eyes are soft when he steps into Jungkook's space pulling him in closer and pressing their lips together. Both of them can feel their bodies relax with the contact and the smiles on their faces cause their teeth to clink. 

"What are you doing here?" 

"Ah, had a meeting with Hoseok. You know the anniversary celebration of BangtanBomb is coming up. We wanted to hire live music for the party, he was just showing me some of the rookie idols. Give them some exposure." 

the man shrugs then, walking around the large studio and staring at Jungkook periodically through the mirror. 

Jungkook wonders if Taehyung knows how beautiful he looks when he isn't thinking of anything?

He's about to tell him, that is until "I'm sure this goes without saying, but you're going to be my date... right?" 

He raises a brow then, cheeky "so I don't deserve to be asked properly?" 

Taehyung rolls his eyes, coming close and pulling Jungkook closer by the hand. "Babe, I want to dance with you. Want to hold you close and show you off to everyone that'll be in attendance. Can I? Can I bring you there as mine?" 

Jungkook looks to the ceiling as if he's contemplating, knowing full well that he is without a doubt going to be his date, still he says "let me think about it" 

Taehyung sticks his tongue out then, pulling back when Jungkook tries to catch it between his teeth "you brat" 

He hadn't even bothered asking Taehyung what  he was doing when he followed Jungkook all the way home, thinks its strange how there's no real question within them anymore. It does scary things to his heart that he's not willing to speak on right now. 

Especially not when Taehyung's all over him the moment the door to his home is locked. 


"Mr. Jeon, there you are!" the man speaks up then "you're the one I'm showing around, right?" 

He nods, Taehyung forced him to be the one scouting a place to hold the party. Lucky him. 

They make their way through three different venues before the man drops the small talk and says "so, you're Taehyung's new assistant?" 

"I wouldn't say new, it's been over a year now"

the man laughs, Jungkook can hear a hint of something in his tone "you're new. still it's nice to see you so excited and eager to do everything for him." 

"Who are you exactly?" 

"Ah, I'm Lin. I've known Taehyung since we were kids." 

Jungkook nods then, he doesn't have to tell this guy anything but then he says "It's nice to see he isn't one of those boss types, that just keep an assistant around to fuck" 

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